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Hopes pov
I woke up with a fright thinking back to the dream I had last night. I couldn't recall what it was about but even if I couldn't remember what it was about I was still shaking. I was tempted to just roll over on my side and go back to sleep, but I pushed my self out of bed. As I walked down the stairs, I could here 'heat of the moment' playing in the back ground. God damm how I love that song I was so distracted by the music that I started to dance while going down the stairs, and that didn't end up going well. I fell down the stairs, well the three stairs that were left, and landed on the ground.  I looked up to see all the guys in ugly Christmas sweaters. Their sweaters were REALLY ugly, I don't even know why they bought those, or why anyone would buy those, but I guess it makes sense because today is Christmas Eve. "Oh, ummmm... Hey guys.... Nice sweaters..." I say akwardly as I get up. I grab an apple from the fruit basket and when I turn around Lui is standing right in front of me.
"You ready?" He asks me.
Ready for what? I think. I was wanting to know, so I spoke my thoughts. "For what exactly?" I ask all of the guys because now they are all standing in front of me. They all roll their eyes and Evan spoke up, "for getting your hair cut we have to be there by 11:30am. "Oh yeah, that's today I forgot... I'm sorry," I say sheepishly. I looked at the clock and it was 10:00am. I threw away my apple core because I was done my apple, and I ran upstairs.  I threw on a blue sweater and jeans I put my long hair in a ponytail. I ran down the stairs while screaming'I'm ready' and with that we left to go get my hair cut.

Time skip

I love the new hair cut that I got. It is cut short to just under chin length and Jon let me bleach and dye the tips purple.

I love it so much, that I can't even explain how happy I am

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I love it so much, that I can't even explain how happy I am. "Who's ready to decorate the Christmas tree?" Tyler asked. Everyone screamed 'yeah' and we all ran to the tree and started to decorate it. We decided to do a colour theme for it. I picked the colours blue, silver, white and a bit of gold. The colours of the tree really made it feel like Christmas, and it brought the Christmas spirit into the house. Once we add the star, it will be magical. "Okay, we're almost done. Hope, do you want to put the star on top?" Craig asked, and I nodded in agreement to put the star on top. Jon lifted me up to put the star on top of the tree. As I was putting the star on I hear a loud crack and the tree started to fall towards me. As the tree was almost on top of me, the star fell off and the last thing I saw was the star falling off the tree and stabbing me.

I woke with a startle again, but this time, I remembered my dream.
Is that the same dream I had before that I couldn't remember? I question myself.
Going back to reality, I realized that 'Heat of The Moment' was playing again.
Oh no... the same thing won't happen will it? I realized I was being stupid about this and I got up and out of bed. I walked down the stairs, and didn't fall. At least, not until the bottom of the stairs. I look up from where I was lying on the floor, and saw all the guys in the same ugly Christmas sweaters... but this time, I think the sweaters got even uglier then last time, if that is even possible.  I got up and said a quick 'good morning' to all of them. I grabbed an apple again, only because I love apples and I was not going to change that, and I sat down at the counter this time. I look at all the guys, and I notice someone was missing.... Lui was missing! As I turn to look for Lui, I see that he is right behind me. "You ready?" He asks me.
"Umm... sure?" I say in reply.
"You have to get your hair cut, remember? At 11:30am." Evan says in a 'duh' tone again.
I got my hair cut just like I did last time and then we came back home. "Who wants to decorate the tree?" Tyler shouts. Everyone screams in reply and we all decorate the tree in the same blue, silver, white and gold colour scheme as before.
"Hope, do you want to put the star on the tree?" Craig asks me.
"Ummm...." I say, very unsure of it. "Come on, it will be fun!" Jon says while grabbing me. I nod my head as if I was agreeing, and Jon picks me up. I put the star of successfully. Jon puts me down and we high five.
I guess I had nothing to worry about.
Just as those thoughts run through my head, Evan screams at me to look out. I look behind me to see the tree falling and the last thing I remembered was the weight of the tree crushing me.

I woke up with a startle, again. How many times is this going to happen? I thought. I wondered if this is also just a dream.
Before I went downstairs, I got dressed and ready to go for my hair cut so I didn't have to run back up here.
I walked down the stairs very cautiously, but I still fell. This time when I landed it kind of hurt.
"Ow...." I say, and as I look up from where I was lying and realized I wasn't facing the guys this time.
Hmmmmm.... strange.  I got up and turned around and saw all the guys standing there watching me. 'Heat of The Moment' was playing this time as well. The guys were wearing their sweaters again. I went into the kitchen and ate cereal this time, although I prefer apples. Just as I thought things were switching up, Lui ended up saying, "you ready?" I just looked up from my food and nodded.
We left for my hair cut after I was done my cereal and this time at my hair cut I decided to switch it up and get something different, as if that would change the fate of this. I left my hair somewhat long and I dyed the tips teale instead.

We decorated the tree in gold, yellow, and white this time

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We decorated the tree in gold, yellow, and white this time. Just as Jon lifted me up to put the star on top of the tree, I slipped out of his arms with the star in my hand, and fell onto the star which caused the star to stab me..... Again.... But this time

I woke so fucking done with this shit, I walked down the stairs and this time I didn't fall. I saw all the guys standing by the Christmas tree ready to open presents, and all I could think was, what happened on Christmas eve? "Wait wait,, what happens to Christmas Eve?" I asked " well it was yesterday" jon said as he walked over to me "no no I died the star fell on me" " hope hon calm down you never died you just knocked your self out and the star gave you a nasty little bump on your head." "Really so it Christmas Day not Christmas Eve?" I asked looking around "yes" answered Craig "yes!!!!!" I gave all of the guys a kiss on the cheek "I love your guys so much!" "We love you to" they all said at the same time. "Let's getter going" Evan said "PRESENTS" Tyler screamed and Jon threw me over his shoulder and ran to the tree

Time skip

When we were done opening our present me and Jon made breakfast which was gingerbread pancakes and bacon. I loved all the gifts I got I got a blue speaker, lots of youtuber merchandise, a supernatural calendar, A really big teddy bear. And lots of other stuff. "Let's watch movies!" Lui screamed and off we ran to the living room I was in between David and Craig on one couch and Jonathan, Evan, Tyler on the other lui was sitting on the floor in front of me. " hope you pick a movie" with that being said I picked " it's a wonderful life"

Time skip
We were all making a fort in the living room we are going to sleep there for the night as we all got in the Fort Jon put on the fireplace channel and we all snuggled close to each other and drifted to sleep all I can say is "best Christmas ever"
So big thanks to my friend @who_needs_logic_ for writing this chapter I would like to wish everyone merry Christmas or happy holidays I hoe you had a good Christmas and have a good New Years.

That's was my chapter! hope you enjoyed reading it, vote or comment if you would like to, I truly hope to see you in the next chapter!!!!


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