"Yes you did you liar!" He says. I start laughing.

"Wow that hurts, you think so low of me!" I saw putting my hand over my heart and wiping fake tears with my other hand while sniffling.

"Well we only just met." He smirks.

"Oh really now?" I ask.

"Yes really." He says.

"So Sunday meant nothing to you?" I ask.

He looked at me and then looked at the teacher. She was looking down grading papers still.

Justen kissed me.

He did the unexpected and kissed me when she wasn't looking!

Even more surprisingly, I kissed back and enjoyed it.

We pulled away and he smiles.

"Does that answer you question?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, maybe you need to answer again, maybe I didn't hear you." I say smirking and he kisses me again.

"What about now?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think so but maybe just one more just to make sure." I say smiling.

"Not right now, class is going to start soon maybe later?" He asks.

"Fine." I say.

The bell rung and I walked to my locker getting my stuff out of it.

"Hey slut what are you doing?" I hear a familiar voice behind me ask.

"Christian, I warned you once." I said still pulling out supplies. I finish and close my locker and turn around.

"Repeat it again, I don't think I heard you." He says.

"Christian leave me alone." I say trying to walk past him.

Key word trying.

He shoves me backwards and next thing you know I am on the ground in pain.

"Give me one good reason why I should?" He asks.

"You give me one good reason why you are bullying me in the first place." I say only to get kicked in the side.

"I asked you first." He said.

"Yeah well, I asked you second, it doesn't matter who asked who first." I say.

This time when he tries to kick me I grab his foot and twist it. He loses balance and falls on the floor. I let go of his foot and stand up.

"I have told you before to leave me and my friends alone, you didn't listen and you got beat up again, watch what will happen next time." I say and he looks at me.

"I will never stop you whore! You don't deserve to live!" He yells.

"Thanks that means a lot, go burn in fucking hell." I tell him.

"Yeah thanks, at least I am wanted there." He says.

"I don't think that's a good thing honey." I say.

"Well it's better than not being wanted anywhere." He says.

"She is wanted here." I hear a voice say behind me.

I turn around and see Mrs. S the nice office lady. She comes over to me and puts her arm around my shoulder.

"She is wanted here on earth, she is wanted in heaven and she is wanted in this school, do you have a problem with that Mr. Collins?" Mrs. S asks.

"No I don't have a problem." He mumbles.

"Good, now you are being sent home and will be suspended for the next week." Mrs. S says.

Christian gets off the floor and then looks at her. He shifts his eyes to me and scolds me. He walks past me making sure to bump my shoulder really hard.

"Are you okay Alex?" Mrs. S asks.

"Yeah I am fine, my side just hurts a little." I say.

"Okay let's first get you to the nurse." Mrs. S says. I nod and leave my stuff where I dropped it.

"How did you know I was getting beat up?" I ask curiously.

"I got an email from your teacher that you were not in class, I checked the security cameras and saw you on the ground and Christian kicking you, I ran from the office to here and now here we are." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welecome but I have a question." She says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"How did you get from the floor with Christian kicking you to standing up with him on the floor?" She asks and I smile.

"I realized he was going to kick me everytime I didn't answer his question so I didn't answer it again and then he went to kick me so I grabbed his foot and twisted it until he fell, and then stood up." I say.

"Oh, nice job." She says.

"Thanks." I reply.

We arrive at the nurses office and I get checked out, I was sent home to rest and that's how the rest of that school day went.

My Brother's Best FriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ