Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25


Caleb stared at me with wide eyes. Confusion was written all across his face. "Are you crazy?"

"Caleb, please," I took his hand in both of mine, "Help me find our father."

He stood in shock for a few seconds, and then his eyes found my arm wrapped in gauze. He swallowed hard and gently rubbed my wounded arm. His eyes gained determination and then they connected to mine. "Alright, but if we do this, there is no going back."

"I'll do whatever it takes," I grounded out. "It's time Samuel Turner gets a taste of his own medicine."


Our plan was to leave in the middle of the night. I would steal the keys from Kota and together, my brother and I would drive to the nearest safe house the team owned. Thankfully Caleb remembered a few of the addresses. There we would stay until Caleb found the location of Sam. From there, we would come up with what happened next.

"I want to say good-bye to Merrick before we leave." I whispered to Caleb at dinner that night. He nodded o me. I glanced at Kota and Weston who were just getting there food and I waved to them. "I'm not hungry . . ." I told them. "I'm going to go see him." They nodded with solemn faces and I quickly exited the cafeteria and made my way to Merrick's room.

As I entered the lonely space, Merrick lay in bed hooked up to the many different tubes and IV's. I walked over to him and gave his hand a squeeze. "Hey Merrick," I whispered. I turned around to be sure I hadn't been followed. When I saw the coast was clear I turned back to him. "I don't know what else to say, but I've decided to take matters into my own hands and fight for what's mine." I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Please forgive me for what I'm about to do. I need to make sure that Samuel Turner never hurts you again. I'm going after him myself and I'm taking back my life. I know you'd try to stop me if you were awake, but that's why I have to do it now . . . while you're resting." I pressed my forehead to his. "Caleb is taking me to one of your safe houses to do research, but please don't blame him; I talked him into it." I closed my eyes tightly and pressed a small kiss to his lips. "I love you Merrick Stone, I promise I'll be careful." Kissing him once more, I stood, gave his hand one more squeeze and then left.



When I felt her touch I came to again. I wanted to squeeze and hug her, but my body was still out of my control. It was when she started speaking that I wanted so badly to be awake. She was leaving on her own to meet with Turner! I had to wake up now. I had to take back control of my body. I screamed at myself and yelled but nothing would listen.

I felt her lips on mine. She kissed me. My insides melted and I felt as if I was dreaming. The girl I loved had her lips on mine and the spark that flew through my body was exactly what I needed. Then she pulled apart and told me she loved me; she said she'd be careful but that wasn't enough. This was my fault! If I hadn't of gone and gotten myself shot, none of this would have happened. The blame was on no one but me. If I didn't wake up soon, Kairyn was going to get herself killed.



It was two in the morning. We had everything prepared and I had even snuck the key from Kota. After a long and stressful time of keeping him asleep, I finally snagged the car key and left without being caught. Caleb and I left without a fight and I couldn't have been more proud of myself. Now I just need to carry on with the plan and stay alive.

Caleb drove and I sat in the passenger seat. The radio was playing quietly and if my adrenaline hadn't been pumping, I would have fallen asleep.

"Where to?" I asked my brother. He had his eyes glued to the road.

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