Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes. My head pounded as I took in my surroundings. I was lying down in the back seat of a car. The dark leather material squeaked underneath me as I shifted.

The smell of the car was nice, Old Spice and what seemed like a woodsy smell gave me a sense of peace even though I had no idea where I was. I was sore from running the night before and my arms ached from all the scars and scratches the trees gave me. Worst of all, I had a massive headache that I knew had to be a side effect from whatever the man from last night made me breath in. I shivered at that thought. Fear raced within me and I felt cornered, unable to escape it. Would I ever get free? Would I ever see my family again? Who was this man and what did he plan on doing with me? God where are you?

"Good morning." I heard someone say. I recognized the voice and turned my attention to the man in the driver's seat. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. I didn't answer.

He sighed when he realized I wasn't going to talk. "We should be arriving to our destination soon." He spoke. My heart sped up as we came to a stop. I sat up and rubbed my temples. We had stopped at a stop light. "Sound good?" His voice interrupted my thoughts. I remained silent. "Look," his tone was a mixture of serious and calm, "I get it. You hate me for taking you but you have no idea what kind of trouble you're in."

What trouble? Questions raced through my mind. I leaned back and rested my pounding head on the soft seat. I refrained from letting 'UCO' thoughts creep into my head.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You'll learn; you'll know why I had to, I just can't explain it all right now." He paused and remained silent for a few moments then spoke. "All this is for your safety." I was confused more than ever. My safety? How was kidnapping me keeping me safe, I thought to myself.


We drove on for a few more hours then we took a hard left and came to a stop. My window had been down for the last hour and a half and the breeze had taken my head ache away. The rest of my body, however, was sore from the wreck. I swallowed as my thoughts went to Caleb. Had he made it home safely? Had he gone for help? "We made it." He spoke. My heart raced as he turned off the car and walked around to my door. Had it not been for the child proof lock, I could have made a run for it. Instead, I took the time to turn around and ready myself for a fight. My foot was facing the door ready to kick him when the door opened.

"Don't panic," his voice was calm and collected as he opened the door. "I'm going to-" I threw my leg out and my foot hit hard in his lower region. He let out a low grunt as he quickly grabbed my ankle, partly holding it so I wouldn't kick him again and also for balance as his weight shifted. "What was that?" He struggled to speak. He nearly fell over in agony. I tried pulling my leg back but he held tightly to my ankle. "Would you just relax?" His voice was raspier than usual. His face was contorted in pain and I held my breath as a laugh tried to escape.

Then, I let out a muffled grunt as I threw out my other foot. Fury flowed through my veins as he caught that ankle as well. I kicked and thrashed but his hold only tightened.

"Let go of me!" My voice was hoarse as I yelled.

"Not if you're going to kick me again," he mumbled. "Stop thrashing about and I'll think about it." He remained calm, as he tried to ignore the pain. I wanted to scream, to yell, but who would hear me?

I stilled and grit my teeth. He raised his eyebrows and let go of my ankles, taking a step back for precaution. We stood in silence as we both thought of our next plan of action. My breathing was hard as I did my best to stare daggers at him. He took a deep breath and leaned against the car door, crossing his arms. "Look," he broke the silence, taking deep breaths, "I understand that-"

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