Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10:


I sat at the desk that I had claimed as my own at my father's hide-out. I had been working on discovering the locations of Kairyn's captor's safe houses. Surely she had to be inside one of them. Hacking had always come easy to me and that was a plus for my father.

It still amazed me that I had a father. It was a strange feeling that I had grown to love. He had been different than any father I had imagined up, but he was a father and that is what I had always dreamed. I felt as if it were only yesterday that I had looked him up and tracked him down. To any normal teenager, it would have been difficult, but I am no normal teenager, I had the glorious art of hacking in my very possession.

It all happened on a Tuesday morning. I was home in my apartment and I had nothing to do but read or play video games; I was bored out of my wits. I had always loved hacking and I had gotten exceptionally good at it. So, looking for something to pass the time away, I decided it would be a challenge to hack into federal files. I hid my trails of course, but that was something I had grown used to doing.

I went through my mother's files first, looking for any interesting information. I found nothing except for the fact that she and my father had adopted a young boy exactly twenty-one years ago. I was twenty-one. I then did some more research and found my own file. Reading it sent me into a dizzy spell. I was the boy they had adopted, Jack Turner, and I had a twin sister, Elizabeth Turner. My heart immediately broke and anger quickly took over as I searched for my biological parents and why they had given us up. I slumped back into my chair as I read that my biological mother had died during labor. She had died from pre-eclampsia. Her blood pressure had grown too high and the doctors couldn't save both her and us, so she chose for them to save us.

My heart ached and for a moment I felt almost guilty, but soon rage took over and I hated my adopted mother. Why had she kept this from me? Why had she not told me I was adopted? Was she afraid I would leave her too or was she being selfish?

I read on and found that my biological father had been inducted to the CIA in 1990. He was one of the top agents, winning numerous awards, but when the death of my biological mother happened he went mad. Me and my sister, Kairyn Locksley, had been taken away from him and sent off to the foster care system, only be adopted at six months.

It was a lot to take in. My father was a secret agent, a spy. I wanted to meet him. I wanted to see him face to face. I tracked him down and found him in a small town near Branson, Missouri. He had been let go from the agency and now owned a gun shop on a lake.

When I showed up at the small shop, he didn't believe me. That was until I pulled out the old government files.

"Jennifer Turner was my mother." I spoke with emotion. His eyes furrowed.

"I . . . they took them from me and when I was able to see them again they told me the babies had died. They weren't able to breath on their own and had too many complications for the doctors to fix." His voice was but a whisper soaked in fuming hatred.

"They lied." I spit out. "The agency lied to you." We spoke of the information I had learned and talked about where Kairyn was now.

His aging eyes held a hatred I had never seen anyone hold before. "Pack your bags son, you are going to college."

After I moved to Ozark, Missouri, I signed up for a few of the classes my sister had planned on taking, Psychology being one of them.

We met and I introduced myself, keeping the information I found about us a secret. I wanted to wait for the right moment to tell her. We became friends and I would help her on her studies all the while getting to know her.

One day our psychology teacher handed out an assignment. We were to write a research paper on one of ten topics in psychology. To my surprise, Kairyn had chosen to write her paper on criminal activities. I took it as a perfect opportunity to hook her up with our father's blog he had started. He gained his money in many different ways, most illegal, but that was only if he were to be caught. His plans now were to sell weapons to Iran for a nice profit in return. It was black-market of course, and highly illegal, and at first I was strongly against it, but father had a different outlook on it. Once he explained it to me, it all made sense and I was inducted into the Underground Organized Crime agency.

I hacked into the UOC's blog and linked it to Kairyn's laptop. To my surprise she clicked on it not long after and I was able to use her camera and find her address. However, when she noticed she was being recorded, things went downhill. My father found out that she had called the police and ratted us out. Any love or care for her vanished when he found out that because of her, he and his men would be locked away for years to come by some team of agents.

I managed to calm his fury, but something clicked in him. He now wanted everything to do with Kairyn. Our next mission was to find her and take her in as one of us. Besides, we didn't have many women working with us, it would be nice to have a female keep things tidy and neat around the shop, so my father had told me. There seemed to be another reason for his sudden interest in my sister, his daughter, but I didn't give it much thought. I just went with his orders and smiled at each step closer we got to Kairyn. Soon, we would be a family again. All I needed to do was find the locations of the safe houses owned by the team of overly dramatic spies who decided it was their right to kidnap my sister.

I wasn't trying to hurt her the night of the wreck; in fact, I was trying to take her back to her real father. Our father. But that idiot Stone had to have his heroic moment. We should have known he would have been there. He'd been on my father's case for three months now. After Kairyn called the police about the UOC website recording her, my father had no choice but to run. He hated her at first because of the damage and set back she had caused to his plans but one day he changed. He actually wanted us to become a family again. He reminded me every day.

"Jack." My father spoke. "Have you hacked into the file yet? If you want to be a family again, then we need to read this file. It has the locations of every safe house owned by Stone and his team. And you know that wherever Stone is-"

"Kairyn will be there as well."

"Who?" My father yelled in return.

"I meant Elizabeth." I corrected my error. My father was no polite prince. In fact, he was fiercely brutal. He had his father moments, though. He also had money and with that came power. Sure, he may not have gotten it legally, but when you're a secret agent, or and ex agent, you know how to get things done.

"There we go." He patted me on the shoulder. He smiled and an earie feeling crossed my gut. "Now how's the hackin' comin' along?"

"I almost have it. Maybe a few more days and we'll be set."

"I'm proud of you son." My father's breath reeked of alcohol and cigar. I did my best to keep from breathing. "Soon, very soon, our family will be together again and we will be invincible."

All I could do in return is give a fake smile. It sounded nice to be a family, have a family. Yet, at the same time, I felt I was doing no one any good. I wanted to please my father, the only father I've ever known, but what of my sister, would it hurt her in the long run?

I shook the thought from my head. I was so close to having a real family, so close to being a part of something greater than me. I was not about to let some arrogant spy take it away.

"I'm proud of you son." My father's breath reeked of alcohol and cigar. I did my best to keep from breathing. "Soon, very soon, our family will be together again and we will be invincible."

All I could do in return is give a fake smile. It sounded nice to be a family, have a family. Yet, at the same time, I felt I was doing no one any good. I wanted to please my father, the only father I've ever known, but what of my sister, would it hurt her in the long run?

I shook the thought from my head. I was so closeto having a real family, so close to being a part of something greater than me.I was not about to let some arrogant spy ruin it.    

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