Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15:


About an hour and a half later there were no longer any flowers to follow. I recognized the small opening I was in and the large tree that Caleb had ran out from behind hours ago. I heard the river and I could smell the water. I followed the sound and sprinted for the bridge.

Suddenly, as if on cue, someone stepped out from behind a tree. I gasped for breath and struggled hard to free myself from a firm hold. I started to scream but a hand covered my mouth again and the man took us both behind a large boulder. "Stop!" The person whispered, but I continued thrashing around. I finally came free and turned swiftly; throwing my leg out to kick the man between the legs. He caught my foot and held tightly. "Whoa!" He heaved. "Watch it!" I looked at him for the first time and let out small cry.

"Merrick!" He let go of my foot and I ran into his arms. He grabbed hold of me with a strong grip and squeezed. "I was afraid you left."

"Never." His deep voice rang. "We have to leave though, Kai." He stated, pulling away.

"They are coming." I whispered, wiping my eyes. "There are seven of them and one is huge."

"I know, I was watching." My heart calmed, at his words. He had been there the whole time. He never left, they had been wrong but they had no idea.

He glanced around and then grabbed my hand. "On three, we run to the bridge. Stay close." He ordered. He glanced out once more and then held up the number one with his finger, then two, and on three we ran hard for the bridge.

The bridge was made of old rope and crooked planks of wood. It looked worn down and some of the wooden planks had been missing. Merrick paused then took a step out onto the first plank, letting go of my hand. The bridge creaked and the rope tightened. "Stay calm and don't look down." He motioned for me.

I took a step and closed my eyes as it creaked and jarred. We continued walking, trying to keep a steady smooth pace. As we entered the middle of the bridge there was a space of three missing planks. "Spread your legs and walk on the edges of the bottom ropes." Merrick said moving to the side of the bridge, tilting it slightly. I held on with white knuckles and stepped around him. He moved back into the middle and the bridge leveled out.

I spread my feet apart and did my best to focus on the thin rope beneath my shoes and not the deathly, two hundred foot, drop below. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. With each step, I coaxed myself, never losing focus. I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped onto the next available plank and turned to Merrick. My eyes widened as I looked immediately behind him. "Merrick." I mumbled. He turned his attention behind him.

"You've got to be kidding me." I heard him syllabize. He peered at me once more, and then his gaze shot behind me. I froze as I heard an unfamiliar laugh. I turned slowly and a man I had never seen before stood at the other end of the bridge. He was broad at the shoulders and thick at the waist. He was tall and had blonde hair, his eyes like mine. My thoughts raced back to only hours before. He looked like me.

"My, my, Merrick Stone." The man spoke. He held a black gun in his left hand, his arms crossed.

"Turner." Merrick voice surged with anger. The air was suddenly thick enough to cut with a butter knife.

"I believe you have something for me." He grinned slightly.

"You believe wrong," Merrick shot back. I continued observing the man.

"Come now, I only want what's mine." Samuel starred at me. "She's beautiful, don't you think? Her mother's chin, my eyes, why, she's perfect." I cringed as he looked me over as if I were a prized pig.

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