Chapter Three

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My pillow was tucked carefully under the covers and an extra blanket was placed under the pillow to look like someone was sleeping in the bed.

I gathered my things and placed them inside a bag I had found underneath the bed. Carefully, I opened the door to my bedroom and poked my head out into the hallway. There was no sign of Stone, so I quietly made my way through the house. I found my way into the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks from the pantry, then a couple of water bottles from the fridge. Shining silver caught my eye. I glanced over and picked up the knife, then placed it carefully in the hem of my pants.

I made it back to my bedroom and closed the door without a single sound. I grinned. "Maybe I should be the spy." I whispered out loud.

I walked over to the window and examined it carefully. There were no signs of any wiring that may lead to the alarm system, so I unlocked the hatch and to my relief, no alarm went off as I opened the large window. "Must have been bluffing." I rolled my eyes.

I glanced down and gulped at the fifteen foot drop. I could do it. My father, a dedicated survival-show watcher, once told me that if you must jump roll to your safety. He explained to me that if I jumped and landed on my feet I would probably end up with a broken bone, or worse, but landing then quickly rolling can help slow down the force of your fall, thus giving you a 'safe' landing.

Carefully I placed my backpack out the window and let go. It made a soft thud in the grass and I hoped my fall would be soft as well. I stuck my right foot out the window and then stiffened when I heard someone sigh. I glanced at the door.

"Seriously?" Stone narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

I quickly brought the other leg out the window and jumped. I felt Stone's hand whisk through my hair as he tried to grab hold of me, but he missed. Hitting the ground, I tucked and rolled, grabbing my back pack in the process and then stood to my feet. Stone's head popped out the window, his eyes wide in shock that I had made the fall without damaging anything.

I dashed off towards the forest, coming up with a plan in my head. My back pack was lighter than I remembered and was thankful for that; it was now easier to run. "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"

A door swung open and an alarm sounded. I used the energy I had and raced further into the night. "Faster!" I whispered. "Come on Kairyn, move!"

I dodged through trees, and over large rocks that submerged from the ground. I quickly turned right and headed north. The road would be close by and I could hitch a ride from someone, so long as there was someone coming. Lord, let there be someone coming.

I could hear a car in the distance. My adrenaline kicked up a notch and I sprinted faster. Wind slapped my heated cheeks as I darted through an opening.

"Kairyn!" I faintly heard Stone yell. He was growing closer meaning I wouldn't have time to make it to the car. Then there was the chance that the car wouldn't even pull over for me. I glanced around and spotted a tree with a large hole embedded in it. "Perfect." I stated.

Running to the tree, I slid into the deep hole. I prayed insects and snakes would mind their own and stay away from me. I peeked through the top and stepped back as Stone came into view. He was looking frantically for me. His eyes were struck with worry and he continued to yell my name. Finally, he gave in and moved on.

I waited five minutes before I exited the hole. Cobwebs stuck to my skin and clothes as I crawled out of the hollow tree. I breathed slowly and dusted off any bugs that had crept onto me.

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