The calls

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While me and Melissa are chilling waiting for her dad we got random calls on the phone. We left them alone until one of them came with a voicemail. "I know where you live Tyler I will find you you can't leave me for Quinn I WILL FIND YOU I LOVE YOU!" And it hung up. Me and Melissa were freaking out at this point. "Tyler please don't tell me that was one of the crazy ladies from the Forest!" "I think it was!" I took the phone off the hook and threw it across the room and it crashed into the window and fell out. "WAS THAT NECESSARY?!" "Yes if Quinn figures out what happened one night I swear she was only a one night stand to me!" Melissa looked at me in fear and anger. "Yeah but what are we going to tell my father about the broken window and a missing phone!" "Piece of cake a fantasy character is calling me and wants me and her to be together for all eternity!" Just as I say that my phone starts ringing on the table. "Please don't let that be her" I look down at the phone "UNKNOWN!" I leave it and another voicemail comes on "Tyler you will be mine we will have that night over and over again so it can give me that feeling you can't run you can't hide I will find you and you will be mine until the end of time!" I felt so uncomfortable. "I can't travel alone anymore she could get me!" "Don't worry I got you someone will always be with you at all times. About two hours pass until I get a facetime call from Unknown. I answer in fear. "Hello Tyler I have someone who is in deep relations with you he has a great value in your heart now that he's back" She smiled gruesomely. I immediately that she had my uncle. "You twerp give him back he's not your to keep." She looks at me and says "Your right but I have someone who is young enough for me the other guys a little too old for me." She pulls James into the frame and Melissa screams and cries "GIVE HIM BACK YOU LITTLE B***H HE'S NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND GET YOUR OWN HE'S NOT YOUR LITTLE TOY I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL BE MY B***H!" I had Melissa back before she scratched my phone like a cat. I hung up and I knew exactly what to do. "Melissa get me my computer from upstairs" "Okay I don't know how you can play computer games at a time like this" She ran upstairs and got my computer. "I'm not last year I took a computer class and I retained a lot of knowledge from that class" "Okay but what does that have to do with now?" "I'm going to triangulate the signal from where the call was send it to the cops as a kidnapping notice and have them investigate and arrest the twerp" I sat at the table and did all I needed and then called the cops. "Yes police we have a kidnapping their last area spotted was at 1020 Spot Lane"  We went to the police department and waited for them to talk to us. "Do you have any information about their whereabouts or maybe an educated guess so we have somewhere to start?" "Actually sir we have more than just an educated guess I have their exact location I just needed the cops to be their because we believe that the kidnapper is dangerous" I pulled out my laptop and showed them the directions and everything. "Some great stuff young man and from our research we can conclude that you two are cousins" "Woah how did you do that" "I can't tell my secret" "Anyways young man would you like to intern in our research department we need a young brain to help around here and it'll help you get into a good college in the future" I talk about the internship in the cop car to the location. When we get there we can visibly see the crazy girl holding my uncle and James hostage. The policemen whisper "Okay we are trained professionals and we don't want you kids to get injured so stay behind us when we break down this door" They pull out their weapons. "Take a taser just in case you never know" The police man hands us tasers and then they stand behind the door and all nod at each other than one kicks down the door "SURRENDER IN THE NAME OF THE LAW DON'T LAY ANOTHER HAND ON THAT YOUNG MAN!" The crazy girl was making James make out with her. "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR KIDNAP AND TRESPASSING!" She looks at the cop and hisses and turns into a spider. "WE NEED BACK UP I REPEAT WE NEED BACK UP!" These other cops grab us and put us close to the door just in case we need to run away. "BRING EM DOWN" a cop yells in his ear piece and we hear a helicopter noise and then men on the roof. And they start removing tile and go down a rope. They quickly untie my uncle and James and they run over to us giving us a big hug. "MA'AM PLEASE CALM DOWN OR WE WILL HAVE TO DO AN EXTREME FORCE!" "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" "SUIT YOURSELF WE HAVE A CODE 4020 I REPEAT WE HAVE A CODE 4020!" She quickly runs over to the cop and starts spitting fluid that makes him into a cocoon. "BACK UP I NEED BACK CODE 4020 YELLOW ITS UPGRADED TO A 4020 YELLOW SITUATION HELPPP" "OFFICER JEEFS!" "THERE'S NO TIME GET THE HOSTAGES INTO THE CAR AND DRIVE THEM TO THEIR HOMES AND THEN STRAIGHT TO THE SAFE HOUSE!" Everyone seeming confused we all ran to the cop cars with officer Franko" We looked in the window and saw guys with swords and guns. We were quickly brought to the to pack our suitcases and go to a safe house. "Your other person is in trouble as well I believe her name is Quinn" my heart completely dropped. "No no no no no no no" "Dude you okay you look super sick?" "I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach can someone else pack my bag and I can stay in here with Officer Franko?" "Sure I guess" "Wait what about my job and these children going to school?" "No worries they will be homeschooled and you will keep your job but you will work from home your still getting a paycheck if that's what your really asking" Uncle Tony had a huge face of relief "Phew" They went in to pack and I sat in the car. "Officer where are we going anyways?" "Canada" "CANADA!" 

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