The Wizard??!???

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WHAT THE HECK now old people are talking to me *not meant to be offensive* "So sonny what can I do for you??" The voice says. I say something as I'm getting ready to run with my backpack. "No thank you sir " then I took off running. I sat in a little corner of an empty cave. I call Melissa. "Melissa you're not listening SHE KILLED SOMEONE!!!" "So you're saying you can't get me out that's great tell James I will kill him whenever I get back!!" Then I put my phone in my backpack. And I realize I need a charger but I have one just not a portable charger thingy. Then I hear the voice "Sonny I have a charger!!" I think what the heck I'll just talk to the old man. "Yeah I need it how much will that be" as I take my wallet out and he says "Oh that will be no charge!" And as I say surprised "Oh really thanks!!!" As I take the charger and he starts to offer me some trinkets and Potions and stuff. "Oh no thank you I'll just take the charger." The old man gives up on selling me Potions so he just gives me the charger for free. "You have a nice time Sonny visit me lair if you need girl advice." I started thinking how did this old man know whats going on with me. So I ask "Hey, how did you know about my girl troubles?" The old man starts laughing "Sonny you look about that age when your still going through puberty and girls." And I started to blush then the old man said "Don't worry it happens to all of us I remember when I was about 201 that was the worst age cause I broke up with my girlfriend she was great." As I sit there listening to this old guys story I started getting tired so I told the old guy Goodnight and have a nice night and as soon as he leaves I cuddled up and fell right to sleep without a thought.

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