Melissa's Dad

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Once we arrived at the other half of the city we get off the train and head to a near by gas station to get some snacks and stuff because we ran out of them on the train ride. "So Melissa are you ready to go live with your dad I mean you haven't seen him since you were 5." Melissa eyes still focused on James and James still focused on Melissa."Yeah I'm really ready now." We all walk to the gas station and James and Melissa go off to get some snacks and me and Quinn get our things and purchase them and go outside we could hear Melissa and James talking as they approach the counter. "So what's the deal with your dad do you still talk to him?" "Well yeah I text him and call him when my mom isn't around and for my birthday he usually sends me a card." "That's really really nice hold on let me pay for that." "Thanks James." "I still have a lot of questions." "Okay but we need an Uber because to walk from here to my dad's house it will take awhile." As they start walking out of the store we join by their side. "How far does your dad live away?" Melissa looking at her phone ordering the Uber "Um to walk about an hour but a drive 30 minutes." So once Melissa orders the Uber and it gets here we all get in. And James started asking silly questions like "If spaghetti takes over the world does he have pasta sauce to protect you?" And everyone kept laughing and laughing and then James said to Melissa "I'm just making sure he's gonna protect you because your really important to me." And Melissa leans over and awkwardly hugs him because we are in a car. "Thanks James but I'll still see you everyday." "And guys we still have the book." After feeling like a long ride to her dad's house we end up in a little suburb with some houses but mostly trees and plants and flowers. "Well looks like we are here I've never seen this house because my mom stopped speaking to him after the divorce." Every one looked at the house in awe. Melissa rings the doorbell and a tall man opens the door he looks like Melissa. He had strawberry blonde hair and greenish blue eyes. "Hi dad." He reaches out for a hug and Melissa jumps in his arms and they hug for awhile and then I step up "Hey Uncle Tony you may not remember me but its Tyler your nephew." And he looks at me and then says "Of course I remember you little Tyler Melissa's favorite cousin the kid who would run around the house with a milk carton on his head." I look at him my face turning red. "Come in Melissa you will love your room I turned my old extra game room into your room." Everyone walks in and we all plop down on his nice plush couch. "You guys want any drinks like lemonade soda?" "No thank you." "Okay so tell me exactly what happened." So we fill him in on everything up till now except for the part about James and Melissa becoming a couple on the train. "Wow you all had quite the day you all must be tired how about you all call your parents and ask them if you can sleep here for the night and take the train back in the morning. "We couldn't impose on Father Daughter time." "No no I insist me and Melissa are gonna have quite the time to catch up over the weekend before I gotta drive her to school which will be quite the journey itself so stay the night and I haven't seen my nephew in a long time." So everyone calls their parents and they let them stay. Melissa asks her dad "Was mom always so cruel." And her dad look at her sadly "Yes she was I knew for a year and then I got her pregnant so I had to stay but when you went to kindergarten she got really controlling you and Tyler were in the same class so that was an automatic friend but she didn't like the thought of you always hanging around Tyler she tried to split you two up but you kept going back to each other cause you were best friends I had to leave but I wanted you to come but she wouldn't let it happen so I had to leave but I didn't give up on my little girl that's why I knew you were gonna be smart enough to get the mail and get my letters and respond." Once we got all of our questions out of the way we found out were we could sleep his house was really big so there were some comfy spots. At midnight I woke up to hear James and Melissa talking in Melissa's room. "Knock Knock you up?" "Yeah come in just be quiet everyone's sleeping." "Okay I just wanted to give you something." "Please don't tell me you got me a spaghetti survival kit." "I wish I could have found one but no Its actually the teddy bear I won you in second grade at the little carnival we had at school and a necklace I got from the Jewelry store I used the rest of my allowance on this." "It looks great thanks and I remember that carnival you ate five caramel apples and then had to go home because of a stomach ache." He sits on her bed and gives her the stuff. "Can you put the necklace on me and what does it say?" "Okay and It says I will love you for an eternity." He puts the necklace on her "I love it James and I love you." She kisses him on the nose and he says "It looks beautiful on you and I love you too." Then they say goodnight to each other and I attempt to go back to bed until I do.     

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