Her last time with James

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The picture is just a representation of James and Melissa's relationship.

Well summer is here we also left the Fantasy Forest sorry I forgot to tell you I've been quite busy with school and my new part time job so I can start getting ready to help pay for college I know I have money in my college fund but I wanna pay my parents back. Well I'm gonna give this to Melissa cause I have to work. Well I was playing with my dog inside when I heard the doorbell being rung. "Oh JAMES IS HERE!!!!" I open the door "Hey babe hey little doggy." "Oh today is our last day together come in I need to change watch Sparky he gets jumpy." I walk upstairs to see my dad with papers scattered across his bed and I walk in "Dad you okay?" He looks up with bags in his eyes "Yes sweetheart just had to take a little paperwork home from the job." "Well I'm going to hang out with him on his last day here I'm gonna miss him dad." "Oh if you need anyone to talk to after he leaves I'll be happy to talk to you just be careful on the words you say I'm still learning how to be a real life dad not a mail and text dad." I laugh "Okay dad glad your alright." I walk to my room and find something quick to put on. I walk back downstairs to see James and Sparky playing on the couch. "Your so silly come on lets go there's this great little place we can go out to eat." We walk to a little place that is locally owned by my dad's old buddy. "Hey Mr.Caponie this is James my boyfriend." "Nice to meet you sir." Mr.Caponie gives James a big bear hug. "This is the boy you talk about all the time!!" I start blushing "You talk about me all the time huh?" "Don't worry I drive some of my family sick with talking about you." "Your brothers probably get tired of you going on and on about a girl." "Your not just some girl your my girl." My lips grow closer to his until they touch and we share a quick gentle kiss. "Aye you kids need to get a room but lets start with a table." We get sat in a booth seat we sat across from each other. James takes out his phone and puts a bread stick in his mouth and sits next to me in the booth. And he took a picture for Snap chat and Instagram "Last day with bae :(" And then he lets me eat the other half of the bread stick. "That sure was romantic." "There's more romance on the way I think." We got a bunch of spaghetti and tried to eat it like that romantic cartoon but we failed on many occasions. "Ow my head." "Sorry." After we left we walk around the little town close to my dad's house. "Its amazing how many little places this big city has." "Yeah" "I know somewhere super romantic we can go " "Where?" "Its this small little place where we can get stuff and there's a water fountain the moon really sparkles over the water giving it a nice little glistening effect we can go later on tonight." "Okay I would really love that also my parents are coming to your house for dinner so they can pick me up none of my siblings are going they are grounded and they are staying at my grandparents can we tell them today we are dating?" "Of course I can't wait to tell them!" We walk down the street to a mini computer library type place. "Here we are the nerd place I come sometimes when my dad has work people over which is like a lot." "I love this place it looks great." "Yeah this where I go sometimes to text you if my dad is being over protective " "Wow the white bookcase and the white laptops and look at these games " "James this place is awesome I knew you'd love it because your awesome." I raise on my toes and give a quick sweet on the lips. "Also James you can take the games and the laptops home too." "REALLY CAN WE SPEND THE WHOLE DAY HERE!!" I look at him "Whatever you want and plus they have a cafe just in case you get hungry we can get some food sure and I wanna read one of the new books they got." "Okay come on lets get you the book and lets get me the game and head over to the laptops and sit on the couch over there okay?" "Okay " We walk over and get our stuff and sit on the couch cuddling until the sun begins setting. "Come on James we need to get to the fountain!" He returns his stuff and I check out my book and we got to to the fountain as the sun was setting he sits down on the side of the fountain and I sit on his lap with my arm around his neck. "See its beautiful" "Your beautiful" We look at each other and his lips grow closer to mine and mine grow closer to his until they touch and his arm latches on to me and I latch my arms to his neck and we share a long passionate kiss until his phone rings. "Send us the directions again." We pull apart and he answers his parents text message. And he pushes his phone back into his pocket and we link our lips back together. "Let's continue this next time we see each other oops I dropped something." I bend over to get the piece of paper I dropped and I know James looked at my butt just this once though. I grab his hand and we walk back to my dads house and when his parents got there we were cuddling on the couch with Sparky and we tell his parents about us dating and they hug us so happily and we eat dinner. And I said a tearful goodbye to James ended with a kiss. Anyway I better give this back to Tyler. 

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