Melissa's Past

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In the morning I wake up to Melissa and James downstairs watching Tv and talking about the animation difference between remakes and the real thing. "Well good morning you two." James quickly moves his arm from around Melissa when he hears a voice "Good morning oh its just you." He puts his arm back around her and she lays back on his chest. "Hey Tyler." I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen to see what is in her dad's fridge. "Oh my dad said that he would take us all out to get some food before you guys have to go." I stop looking through the fridge. "Okay and don't worry Melissa we will visit you every weekend." She looks at me walking over to the couch. "Sounds good I hope my mom doesn't find out i'm gone." "Well I told your mom that you and Micheal were making up and then I winked." James raised up from his chill position "WHAT????!!!!??!?" "Oops" Melissa slaps James on the stomach telling him to sit back down. "But Melissa does your dad have custody over you?" Melissa looked at me and said "Yeah I hacked my mom's computer to check her documents on the divorce and my mom and dad share custody but my mom never let me see him." "Oh okay." We all sit downstairs watching tv then we watch some anime. And then Melissa's dad woke up and James and Melissa halfway fall off the couch to try to unlatch themselves from each other. "Heeey dad." "Hi daughter." "Hello James and Hello Nephew." "Hi Uncle Tony." "Hello Sir." I started laughing very quietly. "Okay kiddos whenever Quinn wakes up we can go out for breakfast and we'll get back here so you guys can grab your stuff okay." Everyone says okay and then her dad sits in between Melissa and James and asks Melissa "Hey sweetheart where did you get that necklace?" Melissa and James's eyes both get wide and James gets up off the couch and goes to the window "Wow what I pretty bird." And Melissa had to come up with an excuse. "Ummm its a birthday gift I got from my grandma." Her dad looked at James who was looking out the window trying to avoid eye contact and then looked back at Melissa who was on her phone frantically texting James. "Okay." Just then his phone rings. "Oh excuse me that's one of my employees." He answers it and walks out of the room and James walks back to the couch and sits next to Melissa. We wait for awhile and Quinn finally wakes up. "Hello sleepyhead." And she walks over to me and sits on my lap "Whatever." When her dad finishes his phone call he tells us to go change and we go in one of his cars. When we get to the restaurant he pulls me aside "Tell me Tyler is Melissa dating James?" I look at him surprised "How did you know?!" He looks at me and starts laughing "I didn't until you just told me it still works it worked even when you were little." When we get to the table I pull out Quinn's chair so she could sit down and James pulls out Melissa's chair so she could sit down. He sits beside her and once we order we all chat and then we eat and get back in his car. "This was a great visit hope we can do this more often and Tyler ask your parents if they would like to join you this time I haven't seen them in years." "Yes sir." When we got back to his house we got our stuff and before we could go her dad starts telling Melissa some things and he invites me downstairs to talk too. "Melissa if you would like to know your past I would be happy to tell you." I look at her and she says "First I would like to know why you married mom if she's so evil?" "Okay that's rather easy um I'll start with when I met her I met her at a business party she was very manipulative which was understandable since it was a business party she was nice for awhile then I got to know her, she completely neglected her family the only person to reach out to her was her sister." I say "My mom reached out to her why?" "That's one thing I never figured out." "Anyways she thought of the perfect power family and she wanted me to be apart of it and so she and I made Melissa and for awhile she was nice until a sudden shock hit her body and her eyes started glowing strange and she started floating and I grabbed Melissa she was only 1 at this time well when she started going up a giant flash went across her whole body and." Her dad at that point started shaking and crying "I'm sorry its just that day was so horrific." Melissa starts patting her dad on the back "Its okay dad." I trudge off to my room and grab my stuff and tell Quinn and James its time to go. We all get ready to order the Uber but her dad says he can drive us. On the ride back James and Melissa kept looking at each other sadly. Her dad gave us all some time to say goodbye to Melissa when we got to the train station. "I'll miss you your my favorite cousin I'm gonna get an earful from your mom though." She steps over to Quinn "I'm gonna miss your scientific facts when we see you in school we all still are gonna hang out right?" "Of course Quinn." She walks to James "Will you miss me?" she hugs him "I'm gonna miss you the most because I Love You James." And then he kissed her on the cheek. "I Love You too Stew." "I'm not gonna point out what you just did just because your so silly." "Don't worry I know what I did also I'm gonna walk you to all your class unlike Micheal.""That would be nice." The train comes and me and Quinn go on the train but James is still outside with Melissa. "I don't wanna leave you Melissa." She lets go of him "I don't want you to either but I'll see you everyday in school and I have two reminders of you and I'll text you all the time okay." He starts walking towards the train and says "Sounds Great." And he joins us on the train and is stuck to the window until the train starts going. 

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