Jimin has three days left. Three days until he's gone. And it's my fault.

I gripped the bottom of my cotton shirt, body shaking.

It's my fault he has three days left. If I had controlled my memories better, if I had worked harder with Namjoon, if I listened to Yoongi and avoided him, Jimin wouldn't be dead in three days.

All the sounds around me became white noise. The only sound I could hear was the voices, screaming at me for causing this, yelling how his blood was on my hands. I couldn't get enough air in my lungs, my throat becoming raw.

Why can't I breathe? Am I dying?


My fault, my fault, my fault.

"Jungkook-ah, listen to me."

My fault, my fault, my fault.

"Jungkook-ah!" The same voice pleaded.

My fault, my fau―

"I know this is scary, but take a deep breath. In and out," The person instructed, taking my hands into theirs. I took in a shaky breath, the air finally rushing into my lungs.

"Good. Now let it go." I released the air, doubling over in a coughing fit. I gasped for air, the coughs subsiding.

"Shh, it's okay." A smooth thumb touched my face, wiping away the tears cascading down my face. "Deep breaths," The voice said soothingly. Blinking away tears, the room around me came into focus.

"Are you alright now, Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi asked, his hands massaging mine.

"J-Jimin's going to die, and it's all m-my fault," I choked out. Hobi walked over to the other side of the couch, so he was next to me. He draped himself onto my back in a comforting hug.

"I know how hard this is, Jungkook. Believe me, I do. This isn't your fault though. Jimin is just smart like this. There's no way we could've predicted this would happen." I reluctantly nodded, melting into Hobi's warmth.

"Th-thank you both." I felt Hobi burrow his head into my shoulder in response, and Yoongi gave me a weak smile.

"Are you feeling better Jungkook? You haven't had a breakdown like this since..." He fell silent, not wanting to continue. He didn't need to either; I already knew what he was going to say.

Since I found out about the photos. The photos that obliterated my carefully kept secret; the pictures that ruined everything.

"I-I'll be fine, hyung. In time," I replied, not believing my own words. Yoongi didn't seem to believe them either.

"I think all of us feel the same way," He finally answered. "It's really late. Emotions are running high, and we're all exhausted. Hobi-ah, do you want to sleep here?" Hobi removed himself from me and shook his head.

"I want to enjoy these last couple of days with Chim." Yoongi nodded.

"I'll walk you back then. Jungkook, go to bed. You look completely dead." Before I could open my mouth to deny his accusations, he shot me a stern look, signaling he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. I sighed and got up.

"Good night hyung," I murmured to Hobi, who locked me in another hug.

"Good night Kookie. Please take care of yourself."

"Okay, hyung. I'll try." I broke away from the embrace, walking into my room. Collapsing onto my bed, I fell into a restless sleep plagued with guilt.


Was last night a dream?

Maybe if I was lucky enough, it was. But judging from Yoongi's red eyes, it wasn't.

After completing the usual morning tasks, Yoongi and I wordlessly walked to the spot that we'd meet Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jimin. When we arrived, Hobi and Jimin still weren't there.

"Where's Jimin and Hobi?" I asked Tae, who shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I texted both of them. Hobi said he would come soon, but Jimin hasn't responded."

Hobi didn't come for another ten minutes. When he came, he was alone.

"Where's Jimin?" Namjoon inquired what we were all thinking, the atmosphere tense from Jimin's absence.

"He said he's not feeling very well."

Yoongi whipped his head up from his phone, noticeably paler.

"Hobi, you need to go back. Now." His voice was urgent. Hobi's eyes grew wide as realization dawned on him.

"Th-that's what Jin said before he, he..." He trailed off, panic filling his now teary eyes. Understanding what Yoongi was implying, I could feel my heart racing, fear setting in.

Maybe we're overreacting? Maybe he just doesn't feel well?

Despite what I tried to think, my mind refused to stop picturing the worst scenario.

It finally hit me: I don't care if he's my devil. I don't care if being around him hurts me. Jimin has three days left, and I can't let it end early.

Hobi fished for his key ring from his pocket. When he found it, he yanked it out and began to take off his backpack. Before he could completely remove it, I grabbed his shoulder, effectively getting his attention.

"Hyung, let me run and help him. I can run faster."

Hobi looks at me warily. "Jungkook, he's worried about hurting you. Are you sure it'll help?"

"Trust me," I beg. We both turned to Yoongi, who nodded in approval. Hobi handed me his key ring with a small smile.

"It's the silver key. Good luck." He squeezed my hand, his voice colored with hope.

"Thank you hyung." I threw my backpack down, not caring about the papers that probably crumpled when I did so. All I could think of was cute, crescent moon smiles and silky hair. Without looking back, I sprinted towards Jimin's dorm.

Please hold on Jimin. I'm coming.

Devil    I Jikook ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon