Miss me?

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* You and Kai were in a previous relationship before Bonnie sent him back into a prison world you were a human  and he was a witch (before he left) you got pregnant but before you could even tell kai he was sent away. You had your child and died while giving birth luckily you had vampire blood in your system turning you into a vampire.

      *at Jo and Alaric's wedding*

Your POV*

I grab Malia out of the car and take her to our designated spot on the pew for the wedding. Since Bonnie put Kai away again the best I can do for our child is let her be around her family. It has its perks chances are she is gonna be a witch or a siphon and I don't know how to handle a child with magic abilities.
Hellos and congratulations are being passed around so I decide to be a joiner and congratulate Kai's twin.

"Jo! Congrats I'm so happy for you and Alaric!" I say enthusiastically

"Thank you! But I know this is hard for you (y/n) being around this happy mood when you can't be happy yourself I don't know what I would do without Alaric so leaving Kai must be awful." Jo responds pity upon her voice

"Surprisingly I'm okay and I understand why Bonnie did what she did and I forgive her. I'm as happy as I am be. I have my friends Elena Damon Bonnie the list goes on" I laugh.
"I have Malia I see her dad in her everyday, and I have you. your like a sister mom and same with Alaric I'm so happy you guys are finally getting married and so is little Malia" I say gently brushing the side of her cheek.

"Awe I love you (y/n) no wonder you love Kai you find happiness in the worst of things." She says tears welling up in her eyes

"It's a gift" I laugh
"Now save the tears for the alter" I gently hug her.

"I better get going I'll see you at the reception" Jo smiles

I walk away and think to myself this is how it's going to be I need to be happy for myself and for my daughter.
I sit back down in the pew coddling Malia as the wedding starts. Jo walks down the isle she looks so beautiful. She winks at me as she walks past, I smile.

The rings are and vows are being exchanged tears well up in my eyes I'm not sure if it's joy or jealousy.

The next moment was a blur of explosion. Being the protective mother I am I turn over her as she starts crying.

"I'll take the baby and get out of here you need to help" Elena says

I hand her Malia.

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because (y/n) just go" she says wisping away my daughter.

I turn around getting ready to attack the intruder when I see his face. It's Kai, he hasn't seen me yet. I can't move I'm to stunned. I hear two words come out of his mouth

"Miss me"

Damon yells "(y/n) his weakness is you, you need to do something.

He is right.

" Malachi" I scream
He sees me his eyes soften then return to his evil gaze.
"Y/n you need to leave now" he says trying not to give in and come to me.

All I want is his hug, his touch, him to hold our beautiful baby.

Our baby

" Kai don't you want to see your daughter?!" I ask tears coming down my eyes "you didn't even know she was on the way. I was gonna tell you the night you left but you never came home, but your back now we can go home and be a family the three of us please Kai I don't want to see you dead." I say the tears flowing harder

I suddenly disappear with Kai I feel him he's real he's here. we suddenly pop up in the middle of the woods we can only stare at each other when he speaks

" It has been hell away from you" he pulls me into a hug.

"It has been hell away from you" I smile as tears still flow down my face. We hold each other for a long time when Kai finally says

"Can I see her?"

"Of course" I respond.

I call Elena and she brings Malia to us.

He holds her in silence for a long time then he says.

"She's beautiful she looks just like you"

"Don't lie she looks to much like her father" I laugh

We stand and talk and hug and kiss until Kai says

"I have to do this (y/n) I'm sorry" he hands me Malia and starts to walk away.

"No Kai please don't" I start crying all over again

"I have to (y/n) I love you I love our daughter and I hope some day we can be happy and together. stay safe (y/n).

Then he left us in the middle of the woods. I look down at Malia and look back up to the space where I last saw the love of my life

Yes Kai I missed you.


Heyyyy sorry I have been so busy but I have come back as a new writer with fresh ideas so expect more leave comments and let me know how you feel about what I wrote I can definitely do some preferences just lmk!❤️😘


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