Baywatch pt 2

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when he kissed you lips he siphoned magic that you didn't know you still had. 

"Ouch" you say as you pull away from the kiss

You knew something wasn't right.

"Y/N what witch line are you from?" he asked

"Bennett... why? you give him a confused look.

"Because we are getting the hell out of here." Kai pulls you hand as you run to his car leaving everything there

"How!" You say  panting as he keeps pulling you along.

"I siphoned your magic and you a Bennett which everything we need to get out I have the ascendant and the eclipse is in 4 hours which means we have plenty of time to practice."

Shock washes over but soon panic starts to set. You kept thinking to yourself What if I can't do this? What if I cant tap into my magic? what if I fail and he hates me.


"Okay just say the words you got this." Kai says as he places the last candle on the table. 

You close you eyes and mutter.

"Ves matos incendia "

You look up and see all the candles on the table burning.

"This is great!" Kai said rambling on and on about revenge on his family.

You tuned out everything Kai was saying because something seemed off. then u heard the door knob to the Salvitor mansion opened and two figures walk in.

A/n the pic t the top isn't mine but I thought it was  hilarious okay byeeeee


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