Alina pointed to the doors of the red house. She thought she saw something in the clear glass doors. Lilith might have seen it too, the figure looked familiar.

Alina walked over to the doors. She tried grabbing for the doorknob, but she was a hair too short. Lilith saw this and picked her up slightly and Alina turned the knob.

They walked into the big room. It looked beautiful, more beautiful than what they had ever seen. "Wow!" Lilith said. They crawled under the dining table as they heard someone run down the stairs.

The person was a black haired werewolf. He had black werewolf ears with red tips. He ran into the kitchen, giving Alina and Lilith enough time to run upstairs. Their little weight made almost no sound on the steps.

When they reached the top of the stairs, the little 3 year Olds heard whimpering. They were hearing it from a bedroom that was cracked open. Alina walked over to the door and pushed on it. 

They quietly tip toed into the room. Alina followed Lilith, who was making her way to the other side of the bed.

Without thinking, Lilith picked up Alina and set her on the bed. Lilith climbed onto the bed, and they both looked back to see who was lying down next to them. They instantly brighten when they see who it is.


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