Part One

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Hope you enjoy! This is my first time making a Fan fiction.
This does contain Mature Language ⚠️

[Edited on 22/07/2019]

Editing Note: It's been a long time since I wrote this book and honestly, like most writers, I have realised how bad I had wrote this. So I have decided to begin Editing it now. I think I was about 15/16 when I began writing this and I am now 17 turning 18. I have also realised how short these chapters are damn.

"Fucking Hell Martinez!" I yell as my Partner, that I've only known and worked with for a short amount of time, has been shot. He begins to bleed out quite fast. I shoot the guard that attacked him with my silenced pistol then rush to his side but it is too late, he's already gone. I get angry and speak to Merlin through my earpiece. "God dammit Merlin! This is the second partner of mine that's died. Where do you get these agents?"

"Eggsy, he was just like any other recruits we find." Merlin replies emotionless. "Ok, If we can just leave the fact that Martinez is dead for later on, take a left and on your right is a large metal door. Go in that door and you'll find yourself in the security room."

I look around the brick corner and see two men in black suits, stood guarding the security room door. I can do this! I walk around the corner casually and rest against the wall. They look over noticing I'm there and instantly go from relaxed to on edge. "alright?" I asked them with my native accent. They begin to charge at me but I just casually walk towards them. One pulls out his pistol, I grab his arm holding the gun and flip over him, breaking his arm. He quickly falls to his knees clutching his arm in pain.

The other guy goes to punch me but I grab his fist and slam it into his own face, knocking him out cold. The other guard gets off his knees and charges back at me whilst still clutching his broken arm, did he not learn? I swiftly slide out the way tripping him up and he head butts the floor. I step over the unconscious guards, opening the large metal door and smoothly walk into the Security Room. "Ok I'm in the room." I speak into my ear piece quietly.

"Now insert the USB Drive I gave you, into the PC and download all the files for Fortuna's secret plans." He orders me sternly. I grab the black and white USB Drive out of my black tailored suit pocket, then insert it into the PC. After a few seconds, It's at 65% but I hear footsteps coming towards the door. Come on, come on! It's now at 95% as someone shouts "Hey, we have an intruder!" from outside the heavy door.

Merlin speaks into my ear, "Eggsy, get out of there now!" It is at 100%, I grab it quickly then hide behind the door. The door begins to open and a tall man, dressed like the other guards, walks in.  I sneak out quietly when he bends over to look at the computer. Then run down the large corridor and out of the building which has now began blaring a loud, annoying alarm.

I speak to Merlin as I run out of the door. " Merlin, where the hell is the helicopter?". "Look up now." He replies. Just as he finish the sentence a long ladder flies down from the newly appeared helicopter. I grab a hold of the stiff rope and begin to fly off. Gun shots are fired at the helicopter whilst we soar through the cold air. I climb up into the special ops helicopter to see Merlin smirking happily as we begin to fly back to HQ.

Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!

Bye  @Steph_LG :)

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