Chapter 25: Spineless

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            I always made everything worse. It was I who had decided to separate from Sasuke. If I hadn't, then I would have been better off. If I hadn't then Sena wouldn't be suffering even further than she deserved.

            Just before the dagger went to pierce Sena's heart, a hand shot out and grabbed Enma's wrist from midair. I almost gasped, but managed to subdue the urge.

            Sena's eyes narrowly cracked open, but her strength continued to dominate over Enma's strength as she weakly raised her other hand and wrapped it around the blade before squeezing. Blood seeped from her fist as she squeezed her hand even harder. She slowly bent the blade to the side before it broke and cracked off from the base. Before Enma could defend herself Sena moved her hand and attempted to stab the cracked blade into Enma's shoulder. Enma snapped into action and moved her hand in front off the blade. It pierced the woman's skin and went cleanly through her hand.

            Sena let go of the blade and weakly fell back onto the bed, her bleeding hand falling to her side.

            "Well, can't say I expected a speedy recovery, but I should have," Enma winced as she pulled the blade from her hand. "It won't last long. I brought you back. You're body is as good as mine."

            Sena staggered off the bed and sent me a cold scowl, as if it were my fault that Enma was even here. I don't know why she was expecting me to fight off a woman who had centuries, if not a thousand years of ancient Jutsu on me. Enma was a foe to be reckoned with.

            "I don't belong to anyone," Sena mumbled as she blinked her tired eyes that looked as if they were just begging to close. Her body continued to stagger and she took the wall for support as her clay legs all but crumbled beneath her.

            "That's adorable, but I don't have the patience for this," Enma glowered over to Sena, while using a bandage that had been tied around her leg to close up the bleeding wound. Enma looked completely unbothered from the pain, and her eyes were cold and unwavering. "Where is Kana?"

            "Ask Madara Uchiha. It's his hiding spot," Sena retorted in a mocking tone.

            "Do you want to know an interesting fact about that body of yours, Sena?" Enma murmured as she knelt down next to the orange haired woman who stared back at Enma with an expression so hateful that I almost shivered. I never knew Sena held so much pure hatred for anyone. She certainly never showed it. "The outer shell is made out of clay, sweetheart, pure clay. So if you get even the slightest nick on it, it will never ever heal. Isn't that interesting."

            "I don't care," Sena finally said. "I don't care what you do to me. I will not reveal anything that has to do with Madara... to an enemy."

            "So much loyalty," Enma whispered coldly. "But how real is it? You're selfish. You've never been loyal to anything or anyone. You have no sense of duty. Of love. Of friendship."

            "Don't assume that I don't know what loyalty is just because I have little left to be loyal to," Sena snapped in a harsh tone.

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