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The first sign that Friday was going to be a bad day: Victoria stayed home because she was sick.

The second sign: Tyler's best friend, Colt, had transferred from a school in Wallingford to West Haven High School. Colt knew me, too. They were the duo that bullied me incessantly over the summer.

They noticed me immediately; their snarls and whispers were obvious. When five minutes passed, however, and I headed to my first period class, they realized that Victoria was not going to show up. I only saw their faces light up before I decided that it was best to turn and start walking as quickly as possible toward the school.

I could hear their footsteps behind me, slow at first but gaining speed as the school grew closer. It would be October by Monday, and leaves were already littered across the ground. To make matters worse, it had rained the night before. I nearly slipped as my foot touched the first step leading up to the school.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back as my foot tapped the third step. The fall was short, but unpleasant all the same. I landed on my back, unfortunately, but I was lucky enough to stop my head from crashing against the cement. I groaned as I hit the ground and rolled onto my side, trying to catch my breath. They didn't agree with that. Tyler and Colt heaved me up by my arms.

I narrowed my eyes but couldn't be too angry. I could barely get oxygen back into my lungs.

"So," Tyler started, having recovered from his guffawing laughter at seeing me fall. "You thought that girl could protect you, huh?"

"Sure works when she's here," I snapped weakly.

Tyler seemed surprised by my response. I was, too. I usually just pleaded for him to stop. It was new for the both of us.

Tyler's lips pulled away from his teeth in a snarl and he grabbed my left arm tightly as Colt let go of me. He held me in front of him, his fingers surely leaving bruises on my arms.

Colt stood in front of me with a grin and an insane glint in his eyes. Yeah, Tyler was a douche, but Colt was a psychotic douche. Abby was as sane as could be in comparison to him.

"I've missed this," he laughed.

His fist hit me in the stomach and Tyler became my only support. I went limp in his arms, wheezing and coughing.

"Stop," I croaked.

Tyler's hands tightened around my arms, sending jolts of pain all the way down to my wrists. Colt's sneaker connected with my shin and I let out a whimper, closing my eyes and wishing that the sidewalk would just open up and swallow me.

"You assholes! Get away from him!"

It wasn't Victoria's voice. I creaked my eyes open to see who it was, but Colt's fist suddenly slammed into my mouth and stars danced in front of my vision.

Suddenly, I was on the ground. Tyler was no longer there to support me and my butt hit the ground harshly.

I could hear footsteps getting farther away, running, but just before they took off, something hit me in the head, and then I couldn't hear anything.

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