Too Scared To Love .ft Stiles

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I laid flat on my bed, staring up at my white ceiling. Every thing has been so stressful lately, with the dead pool to feelings.

Scott's new beta has been the cause of most of my stress. His soft blue eyes and dirty blond hair. The boys say that Liam has a crush on me and they really want me to train him.

The problem is I like him too, but I never liked anyone before. Plus, I have trouble letting people in mostly, because everyone I let in either, hurts me or dies in front of my face. I let out a huff of frustration. My hands flying up to cover my face.

Someone knocks on the wall of my room, in the loft. I pulled my hands off my face and sat up looking at who decided to ruin my grieving of my love life. My face quickly changed to a surprised expression, seeing stiles at the entrance of my room.

"Hey, stiles. What are you doing here?" I asked curious on why he was here.

"Oh, you know just wanted to check up on you." Stiles answered quickly. I raised my eyebrows not really believing him.

Stiles let out a huff, his shoulders slumping.

"Okay, so I know your having trouble with the the whole liking Liam thing." Stiles confessed.

I released a groan falling backwards, bouncing on the bed.

"I don't like Liam! I can't like him." I stated

"And why can't you like him?" Stiles questioned, walking up to my bed taking a seat next to me. As I sit up turning to face him.

"Because if I say I like him and he likes me that creates feelings, and feelings are gross!" I said whining like a little kid. "And what if one day he decided that he doesn't like me anymore." I mumble playing with a lose string on my blanket.

"You can't just decide that you don't want to be with someone anymore." Stiles replied with a laugh.

"Isn't that what you did with Lydia?" I whispered. "You decided that you didn't want her anymore and went to malia, even through you loved Lydia." Stiles expression immediately changed after I said that, to a sad and confused face with a hint of guilt.

I let out a sigh "what if Liam does the same thing to me?" I asked stiles looking him in the eyes.

"I'm to scared to love." I emitted. A tear falling down my cheek.

"You're not to scared to love, you're to scared that their not going to love you back." Stiles said looking in my eyes. Wiping away the tears that keep coming.

"Isn't it easier if I just run from theses feelings." I whimpered out.

"You can't run away from feelings, no matter how hard you try." Stiles said with a sad smile.

I let out a sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder. We both laided down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Thinking about anything and everything. Eventually both falling asleep, wondering what is going to happen next.

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