The aftermath Of the Beat Up

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We were in the parking lot, Mason was dragging Liam with his arm rapped over his shoulders over to his car. Corey was dragging me behind them. We were both still weak and covered in blood.

"I know what you were doing." Mason confessed to Liam.

"Trying not to shift." Liam answered.

"No, you took that beating, because you think you deserved it." Mason replied. Corey and I walked slower, letting the two have some space.

Mason continued, "Because of what happened to Brett and Lori." Liam unraveled his arm from Mason's shoulder. Turning facing him and leaning against his car.

"Maybe I do." Liam confessed. Looking down on the floor. 'What!' I'm so confused I knew Liam was having trouble with the death of Brett and Lori, but not this much. I looked up to Corey and he that look on his face that read ' I'll tell you later.' I nodded and listened in on Mason and Liam.

"But you didn't deserve it." Mason told liam, trying to convince him.

"I know I didn't kill them, a hunter did. " Liam said trying to keep his anger in. "And she has a name."

"Yeah, and she's also got new recruits too." Mason said looking around, then continuing," See, Nolan's not the only one you gotta worry about now."

"You mean Gabe?"

"No, I mean, like, everyone." Mason ranted," Nolan didn't just want you to shift in front of everyone to show them that you're a werewolf. He wanted to show everyone that you're the enemy." Mason relieved.

"That we should be hunted." I breathed out, getting 10x more worried.

"Okay, I think that is enough for one night," Corey broke the silence. Tugging me over to his car.

"Actually, l'm talking Tara home." Liam stated limping over taking me off of Corey. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. 'When did I agree to this?'

"Oh okay, well Corey and I should get going." Mason said grabbing Corey's hand and leaving.

"Umm.... Liam when did I agree to this?" I asked Liam as he leads me to the passenger seat.

"Just get in the car, we need to talk." Liam said with a pleading look. I just nodded my head, getting in the car, to tired to argue and just wanting to sleep.

Liam got in the car and sighed putting in the key and started the car. Pulling out of the drive way, he kepted stealing glances at me. However, I just looked out the window, refusing to look at him. The whole drive back we stayed in silence.

Finally, he pulled up to his house. The lights were off and I could hear no heart beats, his parents must still be at work. Liam walked out the car and walked over to say side, opening the door and helping me out. We walked up to his house, holding each other, going up the stairs. Liam let go of me to pulled out his keys to open the door.

Once he got it opened, he took a step in then turned to me grabbing my hand pulling me in. I looked back and saw I had left a blood stain on the wall I was leaning on.

"Sorry." I whispered looking down. "It's fine." He replied.

I've been in Liam's house plenty of times, but I haven't been here in a while. I looked around to see if anything has change, but everything was exactly the way it was when I was last here. I missed it, it reminded me of my old house before it was burned down. It definitely brought back old memories. I huffed and shook my head a little to clear it. I looked back at Liam to see he was staring at me,' he was probably staring at me this whole time and he still hasn't stopped.' I cleared my throat and that snapped his back to reality.

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