Chapter 9: Cute Mutated Penguin

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“Hey Kevin, what’s up?” Elise responded after shutting her bedroom door, to gain some privacy.

“What? Can’t a friend call to check up? So I read the paper-“

“You were reading? How shocking.” She teased a smile forming on her pretty face; sarcastic laughter resonated from her phone.

“Ha-ha, well I couldn’t help myself, especially when I saw your cute face on the cover along with your uncle, what the hell happened to him by the way?”

“We were exposed to some radiation, long story short we got super powers now.”

“Lucky you, I kind of wished I had super powers, maybe something to do with fire like that Johnny guy.” She groaned at the mention of that annoying hot-head that she had been living with for the past week.

“Johnny? Puh-lease…” She murmured frowning in aggravation.

“Ooo, I sense hostility.” Kevin taunted and Elise rolled her eyes.

“When am I not hostile Kev?”

“Point taken.”

“Anyway, how is Jeremy?” She tried to prevent the sadness from creeping on to her voice, but it was easier said than done. There was a heavy sigh from the other end, and she prepared herself for the worst.

“The same, I went to see him just yesterday.”

“He hasn’t come around yet has he?” She inquired her voice soft in concern.

“No Elise, you know how stubborn he can be subconsciously or otherwise, I am sorry.” A sudden spark of vengeance returned to her emerald eyes as she stared at her bedroom wall.

“I am not, but they will be.” She murmured with dark promise.

“What are you talking about?” Kevin’s voice brought she out of her thoughts, blinking rapidly she averted her gaze.

“Nothing, I got to go. The doc wants to run some experiments-“

“Eli…You know you can tell me anything right? What happened with Jeremy, it affected all of us.” Elise was silent for a moment, closing her eyes and letting the assurance of Kevin’s words wash over her.

“I know I-I miss you guys, I really wish I could see you.” She stated with a hapless smile.

“Valerie is nothing without her other half.” She chuckled at the thought of her best friend.

“…I’ll talk to you later yeah?”

“Always, see ya Eli.”

“Peace” She added before the connection ended. Heaving a heavy sigh she fell back on to the mattress and stared up at the ceiling. Her green eyes were whirling in worry as she pondered on ways to escape the apartment without causing too much of a scene. She felt like the walls were caving in on her, making her feel more claustrophobic than usual, one thing Elise hated most was being caged and she craved fresh air.

After a moment she willed herself to her feet, she gazed out the window where the sun was beginning to set. The thought of taking a stroll in the park sounded grand but with the grounded issues she settled for the roof top. The air up there was much better anyway.


Elise crossed Reed’s science lab on the way to the balcony. Reed was too busy furiously writing equations on his chalk board to notice her. She didn’t want to disturb him anyway. She silently slide opens the glass door before exiting and then closing the doors behind her with a small thump. The sudden rush of air that blew at the dark strands of her hair made her sigh in delight, dazedly she walked to the edge of the balcony and leaned over the railing. She stared at the sun kissed clouds with a yearning to fly free.  

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