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the next day, taehyung and i walk in the school, going to our lockers - which is right beside each other.

"you know, mr. Jung seems like he really cares about you." taehyung said, out of nowhere, catching me off guard that i almost forgot how to breathe.

"really? when did you start reading people's mind?" i said, trying to get off topic so that we don't have to talk about this.

"really, i'm smarter than you so shut up. if not, i can show you my physics grade." he threatens me with his grades.

"you know what, i'm going to get a better grade than you on the friday's test."

"i'm not joking," he said while bursting into a laughter.

i scoff. "you think i'm joking?"

"of course, you getting a better grade than me in physic could be only one thing; a hilarious joke."

i hit taehyung on the shoulders. seriously, what's with people calling me dumb.. i'm not.. that dumb.

ok, maybe on physics but blame it on mr. jung. he's the one that's distracting me.

"actually that's two thing, mister kim." hearing a voice which was very similar, we both turned around to face mr. jung.

my face brought up a smile along with shyness and embarrassment from the day before.

"oh, good morning mr. jung!" taehyung said happily.

"good morning, kim." mr. jung smiles. "and, to jiyeon as well."

"hey, dumb dumb, if you mind mr. jung is here, please greet him." taehyung said, obviously to me.

"shut up, it's my choice if i want to greet him or not." i said back, hiding myself a bit behind taehyung from mr. jung.

"mr. jung, she's a little too crazy please don't mind her." taehyung whispers, loudly.

"oh, i know." mr. jung murmurs under his breathe, which i was very much able to hear.

"um, sorry i miss what, what you say?" taehyung asks.

"nothing kids," he winks. "see you at class."

what the heck, why would he wink at me in front of taehyung! is he trying to let everyone in this school building know that we're dating.. well we're not dating right now but we can..

"oh my god, did you see that!" taehyung excitedly said.

"what?" i asks trying to bring the enthusiasm to my voice as well.

"mr. jung just winked at me!" he squeals.


i thought that was for.. me.

Detention ➳ J. HoseokWhere stories live. Discover now