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Everything was still. Every thing was quite.

The forest, outside of the ruins, was covered in a thick layer of fresh snow. The ever green branches hung down from the weight of the ice they cradled. Any living thing that wasn't already in a shelter, were scurrying to get inside one.

The wind picked up, carrying down large flurries of ice and snow that had formed on the caverns ceiling. To the inhabitants, it meant another storm was approaching.

It was peaceful until crunching ice broke the silence. The steps were heavy, yet fast.

From the bend in the trail was a tall figure, a skeleton to be exact. His dark bones and red sockets clashed with the white background he was treading through. With clothes torn and sewn back together with blue threads its not surprising he shook slightly with every step in the knee deep snow.

He grunted as he pushed himself forward through the cold. He was near Snowdin town now. He just needed to get to the skela brothers home before the blizzard started.

He cursed himself for over using his powers on the fight he had with the creator. Now he was stuck in a random AU and needed shelter fast. A storm was brewing.

But something made him stop in his tracks. It wasn't anything big. Just a noise, soft and distant. He shook his head after a moment and continued. Probably just a small animal or a whistle in the wind.

But after a few steps it sounded again, soft and muffled.

He stopped and stared off to his side through the forest and brush. He shook his head again, but this time didn't move. After a minute or two, he heard it again.

His eyes widened. It wasn't wind, and didn't really sound like an animal call. It was more of a cry.

A child's cry to be exact.

He stood there, feeling numb. He couldn't decide if he should investigate or keep a track.

A child wouldn't last two days in the cold like this, nor would he. He couldn't just leave them there. But at the same time it could just be an animal sounding that way.

He made up his mind when small white flakes began to fall. The blizzard was approaching.

With a heavy sigh he turned away from the path he was facing and began to lug through the brush and branches in the direction of the crying.

He let out a few calls, a few hellos and are you there. With each noise he made the cries seemed more desperate. The wind began to howl. He forced himself to push on, going a fast as he could when the cries began to quiet down.

He soon made it to a thick wall of brambles. It looked as if it could shred a man. The cries started up again, calling him through. With out a thought he pushed forward, thorns and branches tugging at his clothes and clawed at his bones.

After a little effort he was out and standing in front of a large evergreen. It's roots stuck out of the snow.
He circled it a few times before sighing in defeated.

But before he turned away, a small muffled whimper came from through the snow underneath. He circled it one more time, his eye catching a small covered hole he did notice at first. He bent down and gently began to dig. He pushed away the snow and peered into the opening.

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