The Curse

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Fire everywhere.
Someone yelling, screaming.
Avery made her way through the chaos of the small village as she tried to piece together where she was. She looked around and smiled in relief when she saw Kris and Suho. Avery sprinted towards them, but as she got closer she saw how they were looking at each other. Each man held death in his eyes for the other as Kris lunged at Suho. When Avery reached them she attempted to pull the wolf from the vampire, but her hand passed right through. She was about to try again when she heard Suho speak,
"This is all your fault!!! If you and your disgusting pack would have let us protect her then none of this would have happened!"
Kris grunted as he dodged Suho's fist,
"Our fault? You're the ones she's afraid of! She told us what you and your vile friends did to her! Like Hell I'm going to allow her anywhere near you!"
Suho became even more enraged by Kris' response and lunged again at the alpha wolf. Avery stepped back and thought about what she had just heard before she realized this was the last thing Baekhyun said he remembered. The night Isabel was supposedly killed. Avery ran to the largest source of fire, a large structure that she could only assume was Isabel's abode that the boys had built for her. As Avery approached she saw the entire house was engulfed by flames. She looked around the house and saw the rest of the boys fighting each other. Avery ran a hand through her hair in confusion before she started to listen in on the boys' arguments,
"It's all your damn fault, Sehun! You let this happen! You let those filthy vampiric creatures you call friends capture her!"
Avery turned and saw Luhan and Sehun locked in a fearsome struggle. The vampire scoffed at the young wolf,
"We never touched her! It was your mangy pack that took her!"
Avery tilted her head in confusion, remembering the conversation Kris and Suho were having earlier. She quickly realized neither side really knew what was going on and ventured towards the burning abode before her. She tentatively reached out to touch the dancing flames and found that her hand passed right through it. She quickly ventured inside the fire and deeper into the house, where she found Isabel and Lay. Avery's eyes flicked to Isabel, the powerful enchantress whose evil caused the chaos outside. She was trapped inside what appeared to be a Mystic Circle, a powerful enchantment that can be used to trap any creature of magic. Avery looked down at the circle and saw twelve distinct symbols on the ground around the enchantress. Her eyes flicked to Lay, who was shouting at her in a language she didn't understand. Suddenly, Isabel's body began convulsing as she screamed in agony. Lay shouted louder, victory hiding in his eyes as whatever enchantment he was casting began to take hold. Before he could finish, however, the burning house began to collapse. Avery, seeing a piece of the roof falling down on Lay, acted quickly and shoved him out of the way. The rest of the ceiling fell around them and crushed Isabel underneath it. Lay picked up the book he was reading from and rushed outside with Avery at his heels, unbeknownst to him.
When they arrived outside, they saw that the entire house had crumbled to the ground. Avery turned and saw an angry looking Baekhyun storming up to Lay,
"What the hell us going on? What did you and your filthy dogs do?!"
His anger was clear as Lay tried to explain,
"She was controlling us. I tried to break the curse but the house collapsed before I could. She's the one who started the fire. The roof collapsed on us. She didn't make it."
Baekhyun's eyes filled with hatred as he glared at Lay,
"How'd you get out then?"
He spit venomously. Lay shrugged,
"I do not know. I felt a powerful force shove me away. I'm not sure what it was. For now we have to get out of here."
Before Baekhyun could argue with him further, Isabel burst from the still burning wreckage,
"Curse you! Curse the moon runners and the night feeders! You can fight for all eternity in the hell you've created!"
Isabel screeched as her body burned before she crumbled into ashes, blown away by the winds into the night. Baekhyun grabbed Lay and threw him to the ground,
"You killed her! She's dead because of you!"
He slammed Lay into the ground hard as he yelled, fury and pain spilling from his words and clouding his eyes. Lay shoved Baekhyun off of him and spoke again,
"Killing me will change nothing! Haven't you realized? She was the evil in this place! It isn't me and it isn't you! All of you need to wake up!"
Everyone fell silent for a few moments before unnatural winds began sweeping across the ground they stood on. The earth beneath them opened up as all twelve of them, along with Avery, were swept into the air. The village they once knew was destroyed, being replaced by an endless forest that seemed to go on for miles in every direction. She saw two large mansions begin to emerge from the earth. They looked to be about two miles apart, give or take. Avery looked down and saw six wolves in front of one mansion and six vampires in front of the other. Avery's eyes widened as she realized what happened. That it was Isabel who cursed them to stay in this forest. She's the reason for this eternal feud. She lied to both sides and created this war.
Suddenly, Avery realized that she had begun to fall down into the forest. As the trees grew closer to her she screamed in fear, afraid of what would happen when she finally hit the ground.
Then, everything went black.

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