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When they arrived back at the EXO-K mansion, the boys rushed out to meet them,
"Avery, are you okay?"
"They didn't hurt you did they?"
"They better not have."
"I missed you so much!"
They boys gathered around her and Kai as they peppered her with questions and relief,
"Guys, enough. I'm sure Avery is very tired and would like some sleep."
Kai's concern was evident in his voice, making Avery smile,
"Thank you, Kai. I think I'll be alright. And to answer your question, Baekhyun, no, they didn't hurt me. Kris and the others took very good care of me. I wanted to ask you guys about something though. Let's go inside."
They all followed Avery into the main room, where they all took a seat on either the couch, a chair, or the floor,
"What did you want to ask, Avery?"
Chanyeol inquired. Avery gulped slightly and looked at them,

"Who is Isabel?"

Everyone went silent. No one dared to speak. Until finally, Kai spoke up,
"She is the woman who made us what we are. She is also the woman we all used to love."
Avery nodded slightly,
"I overheard the guys talking at the EXO-M mansion... they said I look like her, but my personality is very different."
They all nodded,
"It's true. You do look just like her. When I first saw you I honestly couldn't believe it. I thought you were Isabel at first."
D.O. said honestly,
"How did she make you into who you are?"
Everyone shifted uncomfortably. It was a while before anyone spoke. Suho was the first,
"She tricked us. She made us believe that she could make us the best fighters so we could protect our village from bandits and raiders, protect our families and friends. She also claimed that she needed protection and that this was the only way.."
"and that we had been chosen by her because we were worthy. By that time she had us wrapped around her finger. We couldn't say no."
Baekhyun finished. Avery nodded solemnly, taking the information in.
"I understand what you're saying. I'm sorry that happened to you. I really am."
She went up to Baekhyun, who seemed upset by the conversation, and held him,
"It's okay I promise. No one is gonna use you like that again. You're safe. I'm just sorry my face reminds you of her.."
Baekhyun smiled at her,
"It's alright. That isn't your fault- wait."
He stopped mid-sentence and sniffed the crook of her neck. He pulled his head back and his eyes grew dark,
"Avery.. why do I smell multiple wolves on you? Including the alpha male?"
His voice was low and menacing, causing her to step back, slightly nervous,
"Baekhyun, what are you-"
"Smell her, Chanyeol. She reeks of wolf. I'm surprised you didn't smell it, Kai."
"I wasn't paying attention. I smell it now."
Kai moved towards Avery, who was getting more nervous by the second,
"Why do you smell like them?"
"I-I don't know. They said I smelled like you. Kris took a liking to me and kept me close. I stayed with him my first night. I took his bed. The second night I stayed with Chen. He made advances toward me. At first it was almost like I couldn't stop him. Like my body wouldn't let me. I snapped out of it though and shoved him off me. I slept in his bed too while he took the floor. And before that I was hiding in a tree with Xiumin so the others wouldn't find us and hurt us. We must've been up there for hours. And then tonight I was supposed to stay with Luhan, he also made advances on me,"
The boys' eyes glowed in anger and jealousy. Avery shifted her feet, then continued,
"I was sleeping in his bed until Kai came and got me. That's everything that's happened. They probably know by now that I'm gonna and are coming for me-"
She had barely finished her sentence when they heard howling off in the distance. The boys stiffened,
"They know I'm gone. They'll come here first."
D.O. went to the window. His eyes widened,
"Guys, they're here."
Just as he finished his sentence, a large, dark brown wolf came bursting through the door. Followed by a midnight black wolf, a dark, deep, red wolf, and a light brown wolf, with a silver wolf and a medium brown wolf to back them up.
Kris. Chen. Tao. Luhan. Xiumin. Lay.
Avery was happy to see them again, but was soon shoved behind Baekhyun as Kai addressed them,
"What do you want, wolves?"
Kris transformed back into his human form and looked at Avery,
"Her. We want her back."
Kris said, the alpha male present in his voice,
"That wasn't a request."
"I said no. She's staying with us."
Kris took a step towards Kai, causing the vampires to bare their fangs at him and eyes to glow a deep, pulsating red, as the wolves growled at them,
"Give Avery back and no one will be hurt."
Kai held his ground as Kris lunged at him, transforming into a wolf as he did so. They tumbled to the ground as Kai fought the alpha male. The rest of the wolves lunged at the vampires, who went on the attack. Baekhyun tried to keep Avery out of the fight, but Tao transformed back into his human form and approached Avery,
"Please come back to us. We need you. Kris needs you. The pack needs you. You have no idea what you've done for us. Please.. come back."
Tao extended his hand to Avery, which Baekhyun immediately knocked his hand away,
"She will never enter your filthy den again."
Avery began to feel lightheaded and dizzy as she leaned against the wall for support. The rest of the room was too locked in battle to notice her labored breaths and evident panic,
"K-Kai.. Kris....Xiumin.. Chanyeol.."
she called out weakly, but they were too wrapped up in their fight to notice. It wasn't until Chen had thrown Suho across the room and made his way to Avery that he realized something wasn't right,
"Avery? Avery are you alright? Avery!"
"C-Chen.. I don't know what's happening.. stay with me..."
her voice sounded muffled to her as her legs began to weaken and buckle under her. She thought she heard someone cry her name. Then everything went black.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now