Chapter 29- Explanations and the House Cup

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Lily's POV
I slowly opened my eyes.  I felt warm, sleepy and my vision was a bit off. 

I blinked several times to see more clearly and the world adjusted around me.

And then I saw a white beard in front of me.

'Good afternoon, Lily,' said Dumbledore, smiling at me.
I stared at Dumbledore, confused.

Then what happened with Quirrell sprang into my mind and I let out a gasp, sitting up in bed.

'Professor, its Quirrell, he was trying to get the Stone and he's probably got it since I was a complete idiot and fell unconscious...'
'Relax, Lily,' said Dumbledore, trying to calm me down, a worried look on his face.  'Madame Pompfrey would have me murdered if I disturbed one of her patients.'
At this statement I looked around and realised where we were; the Hospital Wing.

Dumbledore pushed me back onto the bed gently.

'You need rest Lily; you took a great hit down there.'
'What...happened, Professor?' I asked tentatively and he seemed to know what I was talking about.
'Well, Quirrell did not get the stone.  I arrived soon after you fell unconscious, I think, and I found the Stone clutched in your hand.  I was very lucky I came as soon as I did..'
'Yeah, you were, he would've gotten the Stone since I fell unconscious, and Harry did too, I think...'
'Not the Stone, you, the effort involved nearly killed you.  I feared I was too late; there was a moment there when I feared that I was...'
'How long have I been in here, Professor?' I asked.
'Three days,' he replied.  'Your friends Mr Weasley, Miss Granger and Mr Who will be most relieved you have come around, they have been very worried.'
'What about Kasey and Harry?' I asked.
'Well, your brother woke up a few hours before you, but is asleep now; he was very tired.'
'And Kasey?'
'Well...I'm afraid Miss Who suffered great injuries and is still unconscious, but we are confident that she'll be fine.'

That satisfied my concerns, so I leant back in my bed, content, until I saw what looked like half a sweet store on the end of my bed.

'Professor Dumbledore, why is that here?'
'Ahhh, those are gifts from your many admirers,' he said, smiling.  'Naturally, what happened between you, Lily, Harry and Tom is a complete secret, so naturally the whole school knows.'

I chuckled at this and Dumbledore gave me a sweet to chew, then stood up.

'Has this satisfied your queries?' He asked, and I nodded.

He then stood up, waved a hand to me, and walked out of the Hospital Wing.
Kasey's POV
I woke up to see a man's face staring over me; Professor Dumbledore.

'What's going on?' I said, trying to sit up, but the room spun around me and I fell back again.
'Don't try to sit up Kasey,' said Dumbledore, a little too late if you ask me, but still, it's the thought that counts.

'Do you...remember what happened?' He asked me, and all of a sudden thoughts came rushing into my head.

'Professor..they know...and Voldemort as well, he knows, it's why he tried to kill me, he was going to kill Tom as well!  Oh my god where is he alright?!?'
'Calm down Kasey,' said Dumbledore, looking worried.  'Slow down and explain this to me slowly.'

'Well,' I said, 'I kinda blew it.  My friends know...who we are.'
'What do you mean?' Asked Dumbledore, and my eyes widened.
'Don't you know that I'm a Time La...oh..if you don't know I shouldn't tell you...ignore that...'
Dumbledore chuckled.

'Don't worry Kasey, I knew. But a more worrying topic is that your friends know...and you also mentioned Voldemort?'
'Yeah, I screwed up big time.' I said, shaking my head at myself. 'Now he knows...and that's pretty bad, isn't it.'
'Pretty bad, yes,' agreed Dumbledore. 'But there are worse things. I believe in you, Kasey, he won't be able to kill you if you don't give up.'
'I'll try, Professor.'
'Now, I assume you don't want; or need to know anything about what happened?'
'Oh, don't worry, I read it,' I laughed. 'Actually, a pretty long speech about it...wait, do you know about the books as well?'
'I know all, Kasey,' he responded, and I laughed.
'Wait, do I get candy too?'
He responded by pointing to the edge of my bed, where a huge pile of candy was, and I pumped my fist in happiness.
'Well,' Dumbledore continued, 'I should go now. Your friends are waiting to see you.'

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