Chapter 22- First Quidditch Game

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Kasey's POV
I was scared stiff.

I couldn't eat at all during breakfast, couldn't drink, just stared into thin air.

'Can I pretend I have a broken leg?' Asked Tom, and Harry just nodded.
'Yeah, I think I'll have a broken leg too.'
'Same here,' added Lily.

None of them were eating breakfast either, they were just poking their cutlery into their food and staring into space like I was.

Suddenly Fred and George came up from behind us, and Fred gave me some buttered toast.
'Eat up,' he said, and I shook my head.

George sighed.

'This happens all the time,' he says, exchanging a look with Fred. 'First-Quidditch- Game Syndrome.'
'What exactly is that?' Asks Hermione, and Fred turns to look at her.
'It's very serious,' he states. 'It's when you can't eat, can't drink and just stare into thin air contemplating your life choices before a Quidditch game.'
'That sounds appropriate,' replies Hermione, waving her hand slowly in front of Lily's face to no response. 'How do you treat it, may I ask?'
'No cure,' replies George. 'We'll just have to force them to eat, then drag them to the Quidditch game. Hermione, you feed Lily, Ron, you feed Harry, Fred'll feed Tom and I'll feed Kasey.'
They then proceeded to spoon feed us like we were little children, mushing up our food and carefully putting it in our mouths.

I was the first one to crack.

'Ok, this is enough!  I don't have any stupid syndrome, I'm just nervous!  In fact, we all are!'
The others stood up too.
'Yeah, we haven't got a syndrome!' Said Lily.  'Look at this!'
She then ate her slice of toast and glared at Hermione.
'See!' She said angrily.  'I can feed myself.'
One by one, we all did the same, and we all glared at Fred, George, Tom and Hermione until they all cracked up.

',' managed to choke out Ron between laughs, and I then realised we had all eaten our breakfast.

'Curse you smart people,' I said, sitting down again grumpily until breakfast had finished.

Soon, and all too soon, breakfast had finished and it was time for the Quidditch game.
'I don't wanna go,' I moaned, and Harry, Lily and Tom echoed me.

Fred, George, Hermione and Ron looked at each other evilly and then grabbed us and pulled us all toward the Quidditch field.  They all were strong, especially Fred and George, so struggling didn't help.  Eventually I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to play the Quidditch game. And it was against the Slytherins!

We all changed into our uniforms and then went onto the field, where I saw about 3/4 of the spectators in red, obviously supporting Gryffindor, and 1/4 in green robes, going for Slytherin. The people wearing green booed at us when we came out, and I heard more than a few sneers about more than half the team being first years.

That settled it. I was going to show these jerks what we could do.

'Catch the Snitch after we've showed them what we can do,' I whisper to Lily, and she nods.
'I'll try.'

Then I remember what happens in this Quidditch game; Quirrell curses Harry, and probably Lily as well.
Well, I think determinedly, I'll just have to stop that.

I look up at the stands to see Quirrell there, looking at us. I then look to see Hermione with Ron, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Parvati and Lavender. They're holding four signs, each which broadcast our names on them. I can also see that Hermione's done a clever little charm that made the sign turn different colours, and I smile up at her.

Now, about Quirrell...

Tom turns to me.
'About Quirrell,' he whispers, 'don't worry. I got it covered.'

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