Chapter 2- Earth...and a bit more.....

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Outside the doors were lots of buildings and lots of people.  The place I knew and loved, the place my grandmother, grandfather, auntie and uncle lived.

I stepped outside into the rush of people with a smile on my face, looking at everything and everyone.
A woman brushed past me, and mumbled a quick 'sorry dear,' before moving on.  Then she turned back.
'Fred, George!' She yelled.  'Get back here this instant!'
Noticing red behind me, I turn around to see two indentical red haired boys grinning at me.  They have a pack of suspiciously coloured sweets in their hands.
'Want some?' one asked, and I shook my head quickly.
' thank you,' I said.
The woman had snuck up behind the two boys, and grabbed the backs of their jackets now.

She turned to me and tutted.  'I'm terribly sorry sweetheart, they're just....pranksters.'
I smile to her. 'That's alright, I like pranking myself.'
She smiles back before grabbing the boys off with the rest of the family, which I realised was surprisingly large.
Shrugging my shoulders, I was about to walk back to the TARDIS when I heard snippets of the red haired family's conversation.
'Trying to prank a Muggle, how could you Fred and George? Percy would never do something like this, nor Bill, nor Charlie...'
'Sorry Mum, we didn't know she was nice.... we only do it to mean Muggle idiots...'
'You've done this before!'
The family walked away, but I could still hear screaming from the woman.
I froze still.  What I had just heard...was weird.  And it couldn't happen. The Weasely family couldn't be real!
But why did I just see them.....

Dad walked behind me and tapped my shoulder.
'Yeah, about that, the situation's about Hogwarts.'
'Wha..... Hogwarts isn't real!'
My jaw opened, then closed again.
Dad nodded, and Tom laughed at my shock.
'I already knew,' he explained. 'Dad told me all about this ages ago, because he knew you wouldn't be able to wait.'
'Wouldn't...wait...for what?' I asked.
'Duh, we're going to Hogwarts, silly!' he said, laughing openly at me.

My jaw dropped, then I started to grin. I ran around the waterfall screaming at the top of my lungs.
'Yippeeeeee!!!!!' I yelled, while Tom tried to pretend he wasn't my brother.
Dad, however, tried to catch me, which was pretty hard when I was all hyper like that, so I kept dodging him.
Eventually he just ran out of breath and went with Tom's approach, pretending I wasn't his child.
But I didn't care.
I was going to Hogwarts.

The Special Friends- Year 1 (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang