Chapter 13: On the Train

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'Wow,' I said quietly to myself as we got onto the train station; it was amazing.

Wizards and witches crowded the platform, and I could hear chatter about school subjects and promises to 'write every week.'

Lily let go of my father's hand gently, and smiled at us.

'Thanks for helping me,' she says nervously, and I grinned at her.
'No problem,' I said.  'Do you want to sit together on the train?'
'Oh, sure!'

She sounded a bit surprised that I would ask her, but I like her.  She seems really nice, and I would like to make a new friend for Hogwarts.

'My brother Harry will be sitting with us too, is that alright?'
'That's fine,' I replied calmly, but inside I was bouncing up and down with glee.  I was sitting with the famous Potter twins on the train!

'Anyway, what's your name?' I said politely.  'I never asked.'  Even though I knew her name already, she didn't know I did.
''s Lily.'

I waited for her to mention her last name, but she didn't, and I realised that she didn't like this attention at all, and would rather be a normal witch.  Like Harry wanted, I suppose.

Oh well, when she wants to reveal her name to me, she can.  I'll hear it at the Sorting Ceremony anyway.
'I'm Kasey.' I say to her, and she nods.

'I heard the woman with the red hair say that,' she smiles. 'Tom is your twin, right?'
'Nooooo!' I say in anguish. 'You've figured out my secret! Now I'll never be rid of my stupid twin!'

Lily grins at my sorrow.
'I won't tell anyone, don't worry,' she says. 'Your secret is safe with me.'
'Hey, sis!'
I turn around to see Tom, and I groan.

'What do you want?'
'Just saying that I'm sitting with Harry on the train, is that ok?'
'No!' I yell in horror. 'I'm sitting with Lily, and she's sitting with Harry!'
'No!' We both yell at once.
'We'll just not talk to each other, ok?' Asks Tom, and I nod in agreement.

A tap on my shoulder makes me spin around, which I'm doing a lot of lately.
'What is it?' I ask, and Dad grins at me.
'Just saying that the train leaves in two minutes, so...

His sentence is interrupted by Tom and I hugging him, and he smiles and hugs back.
'I'll miss you two,' he says warmly to us. 
'Write to me every week,' I say back, and his face lights up.
'Oh, I will, and you'll have to reply, too,' he says, and I smile.
'Miss you already, Dad,' I whisper, and I feel his warm breath on my head.
'Can't wait for you to come home, darling.'

And then we're on the train with Lily and Harry, waving Dad goodbye.  He runs along with the train like some kids are doing, and I can't help but laugh as I see the looks that he gets.
'Typical Dad,' I say to Lily, who giggles.

Then he's out of my sight, not able to keep up with the train anymore, and he just waves, and I wave back until he's just a figure in the distance.

I turn to Lily as soon as I've finished waving to him, and am about to talk when a knock on the compartment door distracts me from my sentence, and I know instantly who it is.

My heart skips a beat and I bite my lip, at the same time feeling uncomfortable; I didn't feel this way when I got to sit with Harry and Lily, and they have a bigger part in the story than Ron.

Now I feel even more nervous.

Luckily it's not Ron, it's Fred and George. When they see me they shoot me smiles, and sit on either side of me.
'We've been looking for you,' begins Fred, then catches the eye of Lily, and smiles.

'Who's your new friend, Kasey?'
Lily turns red, and stares at the floor. I grin. At least I'm not the only one hiding a crush.

'This is Lily, Fred, and this is Fred, Lily.'
'Oi, what about me?' Asks George, and I laugh.
'This is George, Lily.'
Lily looks up, and shoots a small smile at the twins.

'Hi,' she whispers.
Harry snorts at her, and I try not to smile.
'Twins, this is Harry.'
George suddenly snaps his fingers.

'Lily! Harry! I've heard those names before, haven't you, Fred?'
I notice Lily's face turning redder, and Harry suddenly looking a bit more uncomfortable.
'Wait a minute....' Fred says, 'look at them! You can see their scars!'
Lily hastily pulls her hair over her scar, and Fred continues talking.
'You're Lily and Harry Potter!'

Lily nods, glancing nervously at me, expecting me to be surprised, but I just smile.
'Aren't you....angry....that I didn't I tell you?' She asks me tentatively, and I laugh.
'Of course not! I knew all along; I've read the books about you, and Harry too, I just wanted to let you reveal your name to me when you wanted.'
That was as truthful as I could be, and Lily smiled gratefully at me.

'You're really nice, Kasey,' she said to me, and Tom cleared his throat.
'Um...Harry...I knew too, you know, as soon as you mentioned your name I knew, but...I...did what Kasey was it again?'

The compartment explods with laughs, and Fred claps his hand on Harry's shoulder.
'Well, the famous Mr.Potter in our year then; this will be interesting!'
He turns to Lily and says more gently, 'and of course Miss.Potter too.'
Him and George exit the compartment, and I nudge Lily and grin.

'Who's got a crush, then?' I ask, and Harry and Tom scoot away from us, looking uncomfortable. I see their anxiety and go on.
'I saw the way you looked at him, Lily...'
I'm interrupted by another knock on the door, and the color fades from my face as I realise who it is.

He enters the compartment, looking at us with sheepishness over his features.  A rat that must be Scabbers jumps out of his hand and runs under my chair, while Ron tries to catch it.
He eventually does, and then turns back to us.

'Sorry to bother you, but....everywhere else is full...and...'
'You can sit here,' I interjected, blushing at my eagerness, and mentally kicking myself for blushing.

Lily's uncomfortableness faded from her face as she saw what I was doing, and a sly smile formed on her cheeks.

Ron sits down, next to Harry, and Harry smiles at him.
'Um...sorry,' says Ron to Harry, ' brothers Fred and George told it true? Are you Harry Potter?'
'Yep!' I say to him, still eager. 'And this is Lily Potter,' I say, gesturing to Lily, who smiled.
'Wow...' he said, his voice fading away as he glanced at Harry and Lily, 'the famous Potter twins!'
'And the famous Kasey Who!' I say brightly to Ron. 'Even more famous than these two! BASK IN MY PRESENCE!'
'Is she insane?' Ron whispers to Tom.
'Nup, worse,' he whispers back. 'A psychopath.'
'I guess it runs in the family,' I said pointedly to Tom, and everyone laughed, excluding the pyscho.
I'm going to call him that from now on.

'Hey pyscho,' I say to Tom, generating a midst of laughs from our compartment, 'give me your money or you will walk the plank!' I say in my best pirate impression voice.
'I'll give you five sickles for you to stop calling me pyscho,' he says, and I bring my hand to his.
'Deal,' I say, and we shake.

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