Alright no need to panic. The good thing is Alia doesn't waste much time doing makeup on someone else except hers. In 40 minutes we were done and I was getting dressed, silently wishing he really does have my number. I mean how possible is it for someone to know your house but not your number, I'm sure he would've gotten it the same way he got my address.

" You're treating me like your teenage daughter who's going on her first date Al "

"Well technically this is your first date in like how many centuries? I'm hyped, I wish Ethan was here to see you, I'm so proud "

"This isn't a date"

"Whatever, it's 10:20, let me take your picture ". We took pictures, deep down I was starting to freak out. Maybe I should've gone back to My apartment.

Ring ring.

"It's him, nobody ever calls you except me"

"You don't say" I grabbed the phone from my purse, an unknown number, I picked it. It was him.

Let's just say he wasn't too happy, he thought I cancelled, I explained to him what's going on and gave the phone to Alia to tell him the address.

"Let me tell you something, a guy wouldn't be angry if he wasn't looking forward to spending time with you, don't disappoint me, I want all the details, the words spoken, eye contacts made, places touched, everything! "

"Jesus, Alia! "

"Stop calling Jesus' name, you're about to sin, I think he's here,that was fast". We both ran to window like little kids to see.

"Yup it's him, he's getting out, Ohhh he's so fine, if I could get my hands on that I....damn"

"Al! Do I look good"

"You look delicious and eatable, course you look good, I dressed you remember! Door bell, get"

I wore my heels, I tried not to look so nervous. I opened the door.

"Hi" I said, I think it was too loud.

"Hello" He sure has a way with looks, with the way he's looking at me.

"You look beautiful " How do you respond to a compliment from a really really good looking guy?

"You don't look bad yourself ". He chuckled. Unbelievable. I could hear Alia choking on whatever she's drinking and whispering 'you idiot'. It's not my fault.

"Thanks for the compliment, come let's go, and your friend? "

"She'll be fine". Nope, I'm not letting Alia anywhere near him. We went down to the car. A Ferrari. What's with rich people and Ferrari's.

He open the door and helped me in before getting in, being weirdly gentle. A touch of his hand on me and I was feeling unnecessarily cold. Is this how I'm going to seduce him.

"So, where do you want to go ?"

"I don't know "

"Have you had breakfast? "

"Not really, no"

"Why? ". Questions, questions.

"I was getting dressed "

" Really, For how many hours"

"Fine, I woke up late "

"Breakfast it is then"


"Somewhere, you'll love it "

"It's really just break fast, we can just order pizza "

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