Through Sorrow and Power- Part 2

Start from the beginning

Fury walks up to the table from his control pannel, fiddling with something in his hand as the doors hiss open. Nat walks through and Fury nods at her.

"Astrid? If you want, I have a surprise that you might like." I look up at her.

"Ok." I say, my voice hollow and horse from crying. Only wanting to get out of here, I stand up and walk over to her. She places an arm over my shoulder and guides me out of the room. After walking down countless corridors and a few flights of stairs, she speaks up.

"Your going to love it, Ash."

I just nod my head as we enter another corridor. I look around.

"What are we doing in the Infirmary?" I ask. She smiles a little.

"You'll see."

We stop in front of Infirmary A-10. I just stand there, staring at the door.

"Well, go on. Open the door and walk in." I look back at her one last time before pressing the unlock button. I look in the door and a smile appears on my face.

"Clint!" I scream, running into a hug.

"Hey, Ash." I squeeze him tighter, but still aware of my strength.

"You're back!" He chuckles.

"I am." He pulls out of the hug and looks at me. His face drops, "Ash. What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong, Clint." I tell him.

"Astrid." He demands. I look over at Nat and she gives me a nod.

"Tell him. He doesn't know, and I think you should be the one to tell him." Clint looks confused.

"Tell me what?" I take a shaky breath.

"It's about Coulson." I look him in the eye. "He's gone."

Clint looks surprised and worried. "No. Please don't tell me-"

Nat cuts him off, "No. You came after me. I hit you really hard in the head."

"Then who-"

"Loki." I say. Nat puts her hand up to her ear before looking back at us.

"Thor and Banner are no where to be found."

"Come on, Ash." Clint says. "I'm sure they'll show up during the big battle."

He looks at Nat. "There is going to be a big battle where at the end we can get our revenge, right?"

Nat nods. "By the looks of it."

I sigh and look back up. "You better bring me a souvenir." Clint looks down at me.

"You can pick yours out. I heard about your powers. We need you out there. And since when does Little Bird turn down a fight?" I avoid their eyes.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Nat asks.

"I can't do it." I admit. "Coulson's death hit me. It made me remember reality and I just can't go through with the fighting. I can't go through with being here anymore. Not without him." I look up at them.

"I'm leaving the Hellicarrier. Maybe even S.H.I.E.L.D." They nod.

"I know this is hard for you," Nat says, "Go home to your parents. I'm sure their worried about you."

Clint nods. "Besides. We can handle Loki. You go home and rest. We'll cover for you."

"But what do I tell them?" I ask.

"The truth." Clint nods, agreeing with Nat.

"What about Fury?"

"Your parents deserve to know," Clint says, "Besides if Fury says anything, we'll tell him what we told you."

"Really?" They nod their heads.

"Thanks guys." I give them both a hug.

"Now, go ahead and leave. And have fun." Nat smiles. I nod my head. Closing my eyes, I mutter a spell and my portal appears.

I jump through it to hear Clint saying, "I've always wanted to see something like that happen." I smile.

Home, here I come.

A/N- Hey Shadows! I am so sad, yet extreamly happy.

I am happy because we have almost reached 1,000 reads! I was about to cry when writing this chapter, though.

"You were. *Looks up at sky* Why do you do this to me. *Looks back like nothing happened* It is also pretty funny. The saddest chapter posted for a good reason."

You're right. Anyway, Comment, Vote, and Follow!


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