Chapter 16

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long! I just had writers block for the looonnggeesstt time. But please enjoy this chapter and a picture of my cat, Luna! ~CC

Frank's POV

"Frank, I'm so, so sorry. I never told you because I-I'm just..." Gerard pauses. "Just what?" I ask. He gets real quiet. "Scared." He looks at me. "Gee, baby. You can tell me anything, I'll help you through it. I promise." Gerard walks over to the couch and sits, covering his face with his hands. I hear soft cries coming from him. I walk over and sit next to him, wrapping my arm around him. "Can I please have a moment to myself?" He looks up and at me. I nod. "Of course baby Gee." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and I get up to leave. "Just, tell me if you need anything." He nods and I walk into the kitchen. "How is he?" Mikey asks me. "He wanted a moment to himself." I say. "Okay, so he's calming down." Mikey continues, "He might ask you to grab his sketch book for him. It helps him calm down more." I nod. "Ray and I are thinking of heading out."
"Where?" I ask. "Just out. We haven't decided where yet." Ray replies. "Just try comforting Gerard more. He'll be fine in a couple of hours." Mikey says and him and Ray walk out the front door. I sigh and walk to the living room. "Gee?" I say softly but loud enough for him to here. "You need anything?" No answer. "Gee?" I walk over to the couch and see him fast asleep. I smile, grabbing a blanket and laying it over him. "Cutie."

Mikey's POV

"Wanna go to the beach?" Ray asks. I shake my head quickly. "Nope nope nope." He looks at me confused. "Why not?" I avoid eye contact. "I may or may not be afraid of the ocean...?"
"Aww Mikey." He wraps his arm around me. I blush lightly, still avoiding eye contact. "Its not bad to be afraid of things Mikes. Everyone is scared of something." Ray says. "I know, but not very many people are scared of the ocean."
"Lots of people are scared of the ocean. Its not just you." I just shrug. "Can you look at me?" Ray asks. I don't answer. "Come on, let me see that beautiful face of yours." He turns my head to face him and I look at him directly in the eyes. "There's my beautiful Mikey Bear." I blush and he smiles. "So where do you want to go?" He asks. "Um... I don't know. We could go to your place, you spent good money on it but your always at my house." I say. "The reason why I'm always at your house is because we made good memories there. And plus your house is big and mine is small." Ray explains. "But we could make even better memories at your house."
"Yeah, I guess we can go to my place." I smile and Ray puts the car in reverse to back out of the driveway.

Gerard's POV

I wake up with Frank sitting next to me and I look over at him. I sit up and he looks over at me. "Hey Gee."
"Hey Frankie." My stomach growls. "You hungry?" I nod. "We could go out if you want." Frank says. "Nah, I was thinking that we could just stay here, order pizza, and watch a few movies while cuddling with a bunch of pillows and blankets." I lean on Frank. "That sounds good to me." He smiles and picks up his phone to call a pizza place and I go over to all my movies and look through them. Frank soon joins me after he finished ordering the pizza. "Have you picked any yet?"
"I was thinking these two, but I haven't picked out any others." I hold up The Conjuring and Saw. "So we're gonna have a horror movie marathon?" Frank asks. "I guess so, because most of the movies I have are horror movies." I put the two movies down on the table. "OMG YOU HAVE HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL ONE, TWO AND THREE???" I look at Frank. "Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I?" He quickly grabs the three movies and puts the first one in the DVD player. "Quick grab all the blankets and pillows in the house!" I run around my house grabbing every blanket and every pillow I could find and running back to the living room and putting them all on the couch, jumping on top of Frank cuddling him and wrapping myself with a few blankets. I also managed to turn off the lights while running into the living room. The movie starts and we watch. "COME ON WILD CATS!!" Frank shouts and gets up off the couch dancing around the room.

Guess we're not cuddling.

"Oh my god, Frank. Why are you twerking?"
"Why not? Come join me!" I smile and get up walking over to Frank. I start twerking and of course, being fabulous. "TWERK OFF!!" Frank shouts. "I'm so gonna beat you Gerard."
"Nu-uh honey, I'm gonna beat you. Have you seen my twerking skills?"
"Nope, but I'm sure they aren't better than mine!" Frank twerks and I watch. "Pfft, amateur."
"Oh, yeah? Let's see if you could do better."
"I will do better." I begin to twerk and then I flip up against the wall, twerking more. "Face it, you can't beat me." I flip back and face Frank. "I'm just too fabulous." I do a hair flip with the little hair I have. "Okay, so I might not be able to win. But do you know what I can win?" Frank walks closer to me. "What?" I ask. "Your heart." He smiles and kisses me. I kiss back. "Do you know that I love you?" Frank asks. "I do. But do you know that I love you even more?" Frank leans in to kiss me again but is stopped by the doorbell ringing. "It must be the pizza." I give him a quick kiss on the lips and I run to the door, money in hand for the pizza. I open the door and the pizza delivery guy holds out the pizza. I pay him and take the pizza, walking back to the living room and put it on the coffee table.
"Pizza!!" Frank jumps onto the couch almost landing on me. I smile and open the pizza box. "This was a fun night." I say as I grab a slice of pizza. "Yeah, it was." I lean on Frank and we continue watching High School Musical for the rest of the night until we fell asleep.

This was such a shitty chapter, but holy shit I'm almost to 1,000 views! Thank you guys so much! ~CC

One Hell of a School Year(Frerard+Rikey)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें