Chapter 11

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Gerard's POV

I was chased down an ally way and I ended up cornered. I turn around to face the person who was chasing me. He starts walking closer to me. "St-stay back!" I yell, but he doesn't listen. I see the glimmer of light of what looks like a blade and I start panicking knowing I was probably going to get killed. "Poor Gee, don't you know who I am?" I shake my head no and the man walks closer, leaving only a few meters between us. The moonlight shines down on his face reveling someone I haven't talked to in years, someone I have almost nearly forgotten. My ex-boyfriend, Bert McCracken. "Wh-what do you w-want from me?" I ask nervously. Bert walks closer and I press myself against the wall the best I can. "I want you." Bert says. "No! You've always used me! We never had a good relationship!" I yell furiously. "I promise, I can change for you!" Bert begs. "Yeah right, you can never change! You've cheated on me before! Just leave me alone." I say the last part quietly. "That's it!" Bert screams. He pins me against the wall and I whimper. "You are going to be mine, and you are gonna like it." He smashes his lips against mine and I start crying. I try pushing him away but he's too strong for me. I cry harder and Bert holds me tighter. "Please, let me go!" I say in between my sobs and his forceful kisses. "I just love it when you squirm." Bert smirks. "Please." I say very quietly. "Gerard!" I hear someone shout. "Gerard!" I try looking over Bert but I can't see anything. "Gerard, wake up!" I am shook violently and I wake up.

"Gerard!" I bolt awake. "Frank!!" I hug him tightly still crying a bit. "What happened?" Frank asks rubbing my back. "I had a nightmare." I say. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "Maybe later." I let go of Frank and wipe my eyes. "Are you sure? It seemed like a pretty bad one." Frank gives me a concerned look. "Yes, I'm sure." Frank nods and lays back down falling asleep. I stay up for a little, wondering why I had a nightmare about Bert. Why are my memories of Bert coming back? I thought I forgot about him along time ago. Should I tell Frank about this? Questions buzz around my head like bees in a hive. I try shaking it off and going back to bed.

*time skip to morning*

I wake up around 8 o'clock and Frank wakes up too. "Morning." I say, still shooken up from last night. "Morning." Frank replies stretching. "Wanna talk about last night?" Frank asks. I hesitate but then nod. "So what happened?" I take a deep breath. "I've never told you this, mainly because I have mostly forgotten, but I had an abusive boyfriend long before I met you. His name was Bert and he was always using me, I didn't feel like we had a real relationship going on, he even cheated on me before. So I broke up with him. He was furious, so I quickly ran away from him before he could do anything harmful to me. Last night the nightmare I had was about him. He was saying that he could change for me, that he wanted me back. I said no and he got mad, he pinned me against the wall and said 'you are going to be mine, and you are gonna like it' he then forcefully kissed me. I tried pushing him away but it was no use. I started crying and he kept kissing me. I-I don't know if this means he's coming back for me, or something else... I  just don't want him to come back." I explain. "Oh my god, Gee. I'm so sorry." Frank hugs me and I hug back. "If he does come back, then I'll make sure he doesn't get anywhere near you." Frank says. "Thank you." I hug him tighter. I hear someone walk into my room but I ignore it. "What happened?" It was Mikey. He must of seen my tears falling down my face. I pull away from Frank and face Mikey. "I had a nightmare about Bert." I cringe when I say his name. "What? I thought you forgot about him." Mikey says. "I thought I did too, but I don't know what it means. What if he's coming back for me?" More tears fall down my cheeks. "Hey, its okay. We will make sure he doesn't get to you." Mikey smiles reassuringly. "Thank you guys." I hug Frank and Mikey and they hug back. "I have no idea what I would do without you guys." I smile slightly. "Can I have a moment by myself for a little bit?" I ask. "Of course baby Gee." Mikey and Frank walk out of my room and they shut the door behind them. I sit on my bed and sigh.

What if he does come back? What if he does something horrible to me?

Calm down. Frank, Mikey and Ray will protect you. He won't be able to lay a finger on you with them around.

Yeah, but what if they aren't around when he comes? I will be all alone with no one to protect me... Just like in my nightmare. No one to protect me, I was all alone, Bert was happy. There were no witnesses.

Geesus Christ Gerard, they will be there for you. Don't worry. Worrying makes it worse.

I take a deep breath and forget about all my worries. Forget about Bert. I repeat this sentence in my head over and over again, finally forgetting about you know who.

I walk downstairs and Frank is on the couch. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "You good?" He asks. I nod. "I just needed sometime to myself, that's all." Frank smiles. "We will always be right by your side." Hopefully. Frank puts his arm around me and holds me close. "Babe?" I look at Frank. "I'm sorry you ever had to deal with someone like Bert." Frank looks back at me apologetically. "It's okay, even though the memories of him are still lodged in my brain, I've learned to forget the past and focus on the present." I say. "Just try not to mention his name so much, it makes the memories come back like they just happened." I add. Frank nods, and ever since a week later, his name was never mentioned.

What's gonna happen next week??
Is Bert coming back? Or is Gerard just making a big deal over nothing?

One Hell of a School Year(Frerard+Rikey)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora