Chapter 15

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Ray's POV

"Dinner was great last night. But you didn't have to pay it all yourself, I could of-" I cut Mikey off. "I said it was my treat." He pouts slightly. "But-" I shake my head putting my finger to his lips. "Shush." Mikey sighs. "At least let me pay you back?" I continue shaking my head. "But-"
"Come on-" I shut him up by kissing him. He kisses back, wraps his arms around my neck and I pull him closer. He smiles. "I love you." Mikey says. "I love you too, baby." He blushes and I kiss him again. He kisses back. We are soon interrupted by Frank. "Are you guys done being all lovey dovey? Or am I gonna have to make breakfast myself?" We look at Frank. "You? Make breakfast?" Mikey asks surprised. "Yeah." Mikey and I hold back laughter. "The kitchen is gonna burn down in 5 seconds!" Frank looks at us pouting. "That's not true!" He slams a spatula on the counter and stomps toward us. We look down at him (because he's so short) and he looks up at us.  I whisper to Mikey "He looks like an angry 5 year old." Mikey bursts out laughing. "Oh my god, he does!" He looks at us confused. "What?" Frank asks. "Oh nothing."
"Tell me!" We say nothing and walk away. "Bitch!" Mikey chuckles a bit as we walk into the living room. I pick him up quickly. "Shit!" I drop him on to the couch and I jump on top of him. "I was not expecting that to happen." I smile and take off his classes. "Hey! Give me those back! I'm blind, I can't see!" I put them on the side table and I look at him. "Now I can't see your beautiful face." Mikey pouts. "But you look so cute without your glasses!" I move up to kiss him but I'm rejected. "No kisses until I get my glasses back." He looks the other way. Groaning I grab his glasses and pit them on his face crookedly. Mikey fixes them so they aren't crooked and looks at me. "Can I kiss you now?" I ask. "Yes, you can kiss me now." I move back up closer to his face and kiss him. He kisses back and I take off his glasses again. He pulls away and tries grabbing them. "Come on Ray!" I jump up off of him and run. "You gotta catch me first!" Mikey gets up and follows me. "Everything is so blurry goddammit!" I hide in a corner laughing. "Ray, come on." I decide to sneak up on him. I get behind him and grab his waist. "Hey Mikey." He jumps a mile and screams. "What the fuck Ray?!" I laugh. "Its not funny!" He crosses his arms. "Your a terrible boyfriend." Oh no, am I really terrible? Does Mikey hate me now?

Of course not, he's just saying that to make you feel bad about what you did.

But I do feel a little bad. Should I apologize?

No! Your just showing him that your weak!

Well fuck you thoughts

"I'm sorry Mikey bear. Forgive me?" I hold him close and kiss his neck. He doesn't answer. I move up to his face and try to kiss him. He quickly turns his head. "Come on baby, I said I'm sorry." I look at him. "No." He says quick and sternly. "What if I give you your glasses back, then will you forgive me?" He just shrugs his shoulders and I put them on for him. Mikey finally looks at me and I go in for a kiss. Mikey, once again, turns his head the other way. "Come on, look at me." I turn his head to face me but he closes his eyes. "What will it take for you to forgive me?" Mikey opens his eyes. Unexpectedly he tackles me and we fall on the ground. He puts his head on my chest and I smile. Mikey just lays on top of me and doesn't move. "You gonna get up soon?" I ask. "No." I sigh. "Mikey, get off of Ray." It's Gerard. "No." Gerard comes over and pulls Mikey off of me. I get up and face Gerard. "Thanks." He looks extremely sleep deprived. "Hey, you okay?" I ask. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine!" Gerard says angrily. "Okay, geez." Gerard walks into the kitchen and I watch him confused. "I need coffee. Frank, make it for me." He replies with an ok and makes Gerard coffee. "Did you get sleep like I asked you to?" Frank asks. "Meh." Gerard grabs his coffee and takes a sip. "Gerard, you need to sleep in order to function properly." Frank says. "I am functioning properly, fuck you." Gerard walks out of the kitchen shuffling his feet. "Gerard!" Frank sighs and Mikey walks in. "I'll talk to him." Mikey says. We nod and he goes in the direction Gerard did. "You've got a feisty one Frank." I say. "Tell me about it." Suddenly we hear loud yelling and I look at Frank. We sneak into the other room and eavesdrop on Gerard and Mikey.

"Mikey, the reason why I can't sleep is because every time I close my eyes I see... Him." Gerard says. "Did you tell Frank about this?" Mikey asks. "No. I'm scared to. He took me to the carnival a few days ago and he thought that he took the memories of him away. He took some away but not all of them. There's still memories that I will never forget, ones that will scar me forever." Gerard explains. "I'm sure he'll understand Gerard. He'll always be there for you." Mikey says. Frank pushes past me and looks at Gerard. "Gee?" He says loud enough for him. Gerard looks over and sees Frank with his arms extended. He runs over and hugs him. "I overheard." Frank hugs him back. "I'm so sorry." Gerard starts crying. "Its okay. But you could've told me the whole time. I would've helped you through it." Mikey walks over and leans on me. I put my arm around him. "Do you guys want us to give you a moment?" They both nod and Mikey and I leave them be. "I hope Gerard will be okay." I say. "Hopefully."

Yay! Finally a new chapter! Sorry you had to wait so long lol

One Hell of a School Year(Frerard+Rikey)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu