Chapter 2

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"Olivia!! WAKE UP!!!" I heard my mom yelled from downstairs while I was about to fight some guy in my dream. I slowly opened one eye, looking up at the time then quickly opened both of my eyes as I got from my bed. "Shit" I cursed under my breathes while making my way towards the bathroom.  I did my routine but two faster than I usually do it every morning.

Today count as one of my lazy day in the week. I put some sweatpants and of my simple shirt as I put my hair in a low ponytail. not bother to look in the mirror or something, or even apply some makeup on. "Olivia, it's time to wake!!" She yelled at me again. "Coming Mom" I yelled back, taking my backpack which was on the floor, I don't know how but it was. I ran downstairs finding her standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Good morning! Mom" I approached kissing her cheek softly while she wrapped her arms around me "Good morning Darling. I won't be here for dinner so I will let dinner in the fridge for you, I have late meeting today." She told me with a smile on her face, I immediately know that she was happy but I didn't bother asking her at all. "Okay! Thanks. Bye mom" I waved at her, closing the door behind me.

I knew I was going to be late so I just decided to walk slow to school. Before I go my class, I have to get a pass at the front office so I don't have to go back to get it, because I know how Ms.Willams can be sometimes. 

As soon I walked in the classroom everyone turned their head to me. I'm so getting used to this attention. The teacher looked up at me taking off her glasses and place it down on the table.  "Olivia you're late, I'm hoping you have a late pass." I know her so well. I just nodded my head walking towards placing my late pass on her desk. "I don't have to go get it, I already have it Mrs.Willams." She gave me a sympathy smile and I quickly return it. I can tell she is a little bit embarrassed when I gave it to her. I turned around walking to my seat, taking out my notebook and pencil. I was already wishing that I could go home.

It was lunch time so I was making my way to Abby, where she was already sitting at the table, she looked up towards my direction and waved at me  "Liv, I didn't see you this morning. Weren't you late? You never late" She asked me not waiting for me to answer as I plopped down next to her "Yeah I was late, I don't know what happened this morning to make me late on the second day of school." I nodded at her sighing softly "Yeah I figured that out already." She said with a wide smile on her face. She never fail at making me smile, that's why I love her so much, of course there is more reason. Just as soon I was about to take a piece on my pizza, everyone started running to a corner of the cafeteria. I turned my head to the direction people was running at, and someone was on the floor getting hit on the stomach. "Who is that?" I asked Abby since she was already on her feet, pointing on her toes to see who was on the floor. "It's Niall, Harry is basically trying to kill him" She gasps putting her hands on her mouth. "What the hell? Why would He do that to him?" Next thing I know I was on my feet walking over them as I see Niall laying down on the floor, I put my hands on my mouth. 

"STOP!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled towards Harry as He stop hitting him and everyone was staring at me for saving the poor guy. I really need to get ready for those kind of attention. I bend down next to him, He can barely open his eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked him touching his forehead. "Stay awake Niall please" I beg him to stay awake, as I wrapped one arm around his waist and the other arm on his arm trying to help him to get up as some blood drop down on the floor, and I frown towards Abby "ABBY HELP!!" I shouted in the middle of Cafeteria, as Abby go to the other side of his body walking him out of the cafeteria. I can tell everyone was staring at me but I only focus on getting Niall to the nurse.

I found my body shaking at the condition he was while I just sit in a chair next to Niall, wishing I could do something. It was time to go class but I couldn't just leave him alone, Abby hugged me by my side and walked to class. So I stay beside him giving my back while the nurse take care of him. "Olivia-a" His voice was shaking, I turned around quickly facing him as I walk over to him. "Yeah, I'm here!!" I take his hand in mine squeezing it, that's something I thought I'll never do. "Thank you, Olivia" He said softly closing his eyes once again, as I looked up at the nurse. 

"What happened?"I asked her, but I wasn't only ask her the question, I was asking my self too. I felt guilt in my stomach, I don't know but I was, probably because I yelled at him when he bumped onto me in the stairs yesterday. "He is just going to sleep, you can go to class now if you want. He need some rest Olivia." She said with soft smile, she is so nice for letting me to stay for the long. I shook my head telling her that I won't leave him alone, and I don't think I'll ever do since today. 

I placed my head on his hand sitting next to him on chair, I'm so tired. I wasn't actually sleeping, my eyes were just close. Suddenly I feel his hand filched so I quickly looked up at him finding him opening his black eyes as he groan.He looked up down at me as he tries his best to smile but I can tell it hurt. "Why didn't you go to class?" He asked me with worried eyes as he tries to sit but fail cause the pain on his stomach. "I couldn't just leave you here Niall." I said to him taking my hand away from his hand, looking down at my hands wrapped together. I heard him let out a soft sigh making me to look up at him. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I yelled at you in the stairs. I shouldn't have yelled at you" My gaze and his meet as he nod his head towards me smiling softly. "It's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going anyway." As he try to grin to me making me to nod my head. 

"Yeah I know, but I shouldn't yell at you. That was wrong." I said to him taking a sit at the edge of the bed he's laying down. "it's fin-" As soon he is was about to finish, the nurse walked him finding him awake. "Finally you're awake!! Olivia you need to get to class, I might get in trouble for letting you stay that long." She speak with a grin playing on her lips as she gets closer to Niall. "She wouldn't leave for one second."  She whispered to him softly but I heard her words as I blush lightly "I heard that Miss. Samuels" I point my finger at her as she and Niall let out a giggle. Seeing him happy makes me happy 

Wait!!! What am I thinking? 

I shake my head at my thoughts and hoping I never think like that again. "Well, Niall if you are ready to go to class, we can go now if you want." I stand up walking to the chair I was sitting at and grab my bag. "Can I go now?" He asked Ms. Samuels and she nods me her head.... Thank god. I walk towards him and support him to get down of the bed as he whine in pain. And all I know is that we are heading to class together. We walk into the class and all eyes were on us but I don't care right now. So I just walk in to Niall's regular seat, set him down "There and be careful" I said to him as He nod his head with a wide smile and whisper 'thank you' to me. I walked towards my seat, not bother to go the teacher, I'm pretty she know where Niall and I was. 

Finally the bell rang. I didn't really want anyone to give me lecture about what happened at lunch so I waved at Niall and Abby then starts to walk home alone. "Mom!!!"  I yelled as soon I walk into the house. "Oh yeah, She is not here" I said to my self walking toward the fridge and see my dinner. I ate it then walk to my room, throwing my self onto my bed, as I try so hard to forget about what happened today and what will happen tomorrow. 


What do you think what will happen tomorrow to her?

Will she get bully?







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