Chapter 8

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          On the other side of the warehouse, Yesung sat Ryeowook down in a chair, listening to the brunette swallow his remaining sobs. "It's okay Ryeowook, it's alright," Yesung promised, brushing Ryeowook's bangs out of his eyes.

"No it's not okay, please stop saying that," Ryeowook begged as fresh tears spilled from his eyes. "Why did bring me here? You said you wanted to help me."

"I do wanna help you," Yesung reassured, placing his hands on top of Ryeowook's, before the brunette pulled them away quickly. "I'm sorry, but at least here, I know that bastard isn't hurting you; at least here I can keep you safe."

"What about your friend? You can't protect me from him; he scares me, he yells at me, he –" Ryeowook started before Yesung shushed him quietly.

"Ryeowook I know you're scared, but he's not gonna do anything to you, okay? I won't let him," Yesung said. "Kyuhyun promised me that he wouldn't hurt you."

"H-he already did," Ryeowook whispered, lowering his head.

"What?" Yesung asked in a confused tone. Lifting Ryeowook's head, he saw a dark bruise developing on his cheek from where Kyuhyun had struck Ryeowook a few moments prior. "He did this to you?" Ryeowook fearfully nodded. Yesung gently stroked his thumb across the contusion, anger beginning to boil inside him at the thought of Kyuhyun hitting Ryeowook. "I'll make sure this never happens again." Leaning forward, Yesung placed a quick kiss against Ryeowook's cheek, causing the brunette to calm down more as the two looked at one another.

Suddenly, Ryeowook jumped as Kyuhyun entered the room. Yesung looked over at his friend and stood up. "We need to find something to feed them," Kyuhyun muttered as he knelt down and pulled out the suitcase from underneath his bed.

"Alright, I'll get something started," Yesung replied as he stood up. "Kyuhyun, did you hit Ryeowook?"

Without hesitating, Kyuhyun responded "Yeah, why?"

Yesung grit his teeth before reminding "You said you wouldn't touch him."

"Well he wouldn't shut the fuck up," Kyuhyun said as he stood up. "Train him to be quiet and I won't have to discipline him in the future, okay?"

"Fine," Yesung sighed before Kyuhyun left the room once more.

"Yesung, you're bleeding," Ryeowook noticed.

Glancing down, Yesung noticed that his bandaged hand was in fact bleeding again, more than likely from Yesung forcing his hand into a discrete, tight fist. "Shit," Yesung growled before sitting down in a chair and unraveling the bloody bandage.

"My God, what did you do?" Ryeowook whispered as he gazed at Yesung's injured hand.

"It's nothing," Yesung brushed off as he grabbed a bottle of peroxide and uncapped it, pouring the clear liquid onto his palm, grimacing as it burned and bubbled.

"Don't do that," Ryeowook said as he stood up. Yesung looked at him, causing Ryeowook to immediately sit back down nervously. "Do you have any cotton balls?"

"Yeah," Yesung confirmed as he opened up his desk drawer and pulled some out.

Ryeowook slowly took one of the cotton balls before quietly requesting "Let me see your hand please." Yesung presented his palm to Ryeowook, who carefully took the ailed flesh in his own hand and began to lightly dab the cotton ball against the large gash on his palm. "You have to treat wounds gently, or else it agitates it, and it won't heal properly, I know from experience." Yesung knew what that meant by Ryeowook's tone, and remained silent as Ryeowook continued to clean the excess medicine from his hand. "How did you get this?"

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