Chapter 7

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"So how are you feeling ever since they took the staples out?" Donghae asked as he sat next to Hyukjae in his hospital room.

          "I feel better," Hyukjae admitted. "Still sore, but I figure that feeling will linger for a while."

          "Did they give you anything for the pain?" Donghae wondered.

          "Yeah, every few hours a nurse will come in and administer some kind of muscle relaxer into my IV and it helps numb the pain for a bit," Hyukjae explained. "I really appreciate you coming here Donghae."

          "It's no problem, really just following procedure," Donghae replied with a smile. "Have the doctors said if your sight will ever be fully restored or not?"

          "They said that the bleach destroyed a lot of my vision, but that with special glasses, I'll be able to clearly see once my eyes become adjusted to the sensitivity of light," Hyukjae informed.

          "Well that's good to hear, at least you'll be able to take your bandages off soon," Donghae encouraged.

          "Will you be here when they take the bandages off?" Hyukjae inquired.

          "I will do my best, if I am not, it's because I'm out on a case," Donghae responded.

          "Oh okay," Hyukjae muttered.

          Donghae reached out and gently touched Hyukjae's arm. "But I will try my hardest to make sure that I am here for you," he promised.

          "Thank you, for everything," Hyukjae replied, reaching up to touch Donghae's wrist.

          "It's all part of my job," Donghae said with a smile across his lips. Looking at the clock on the wall, Donghae realized how late it was getting and knew that visiting hours at the hospital would be ending soon. "I have to go, but I'll come check on you tomorrow. If an emergency comes up, you know where to reach me."

          "Alright, thank you Donghae, goodnight," Hyukjae called as Donghae started out the door.

          The brunette detective paused and turned his head slightly, echoing "Goodnight Hyukjae." He exited the room and shut the door gently behind him.

          After returning home to the apartment, Donghae found the apartment to be pitch black inside. Quietly, Donghae entered the bedroom he shared with Sungmin and lie down on his bed carefully, not wanting to wake his sleeping cousin. Not long after Donghae lie down, did he immediately fall asleep for the night. The next morning, Donghae groaned as he opened his eyes and sat up. Looking over at Sungmin's bed, Donghae noticed it was neatly made. "Sungmin, you in the kitchen?" he called from the bedroom as he stood up. When there was no answer, Donghae said aloud to himself "Hmm, must've had an early shift today." Usually Sungmin would leave a note or a text if he was working early, but there was no note anywhere to be found. However, Donghae figured Sungmin had been running late and just forgot, so he brushed off his cousin's absence and continued to get ready for his shift.

          When Donghae reached the police station, he had just walked in when Siwon called him over to the desks. "Hey you got a call and it seems urgent," Siwon informed.

          "Who is it?" Donghae wondered as he hung his jacket on the back of the chair.

          "He said he's the manager of that café where your cousin works," Siwon stated.

          Donghae took the phone and said "Hello?"

          "Hi Donghae, I was wondering if you knew where Sungmin was at, because he didn't show up for his shift this morning," the manager inquired.

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