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LiLi: I have the best news!

Will: No one cares

Nico: What is it?

LiLi: I found something really gay

Nico: What?

LiLi: It's like super gay

Will: Get that outta here!

LiLi: You ain't dangmattsmith

Will: Why do you ruin everything?!

LiLi: Well ima show you this gay thing now so...

Nico: ...

LiLi: It's so gay! And cute

Will: She thinks it's cute...LiLi actually has a heart!

LiLi: Shut yo ambrosia hole

Nico: Wow

LiLi: Stop denying that you like the video

Nico: Ok fine

LiLi: Yay! Everyone's GAAAAAAAY

Will: Tru dat

Guess who's bored? Meeee!! Watch that video cause like they all gay. XD

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