The Cool Squad

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LaurLaur has created a chat: The Cool Squad

LaurLaur: Hello?

Crazy_Cool: Can and you guess who I am?

E_is_Fun: I knoe its u Holly

Crazy_Cool: Awe! Come on!

NysNys: I can't seem to find a good username

Harleyisbae: I knoe what bae meens now!

LiLi: I hacked you all!

NysNys: Admin?! What are you doing here?!

LiLi: I just literally said: I hacked you all! The mortal world is getting boring.

LeStolls: Hermes kids are better at hacking!

LiLi: Shut up!

LeStolls: Make us!

LiLi: *hands burst into flames* Did I mention I was a fire user?

NysNys: No need to brag. *rolls eyes*

Jason, Percy, and Leo: Why are we not in this chat?

LaurLaur: Cause your not awesome enough, duh 🙄

Annabeth: You used the wrong 'your'.

Reyna: Lindsay—

Guys let's pause for a second, my real name is not Lindsay. That's just my undercover name. Proceed.

Reyna: Lindsay! How ya been?

LiLi: Good! How's being praetor?

Reyna: Good!

LiLi: I can't wait to go back to my friends on the
Fif—I mean that's great.

Frank: Oh hi Lin...

Hazel: My fave Vulcan kid! What's up!

LiLi: Hazzy!!

NysNys: How do you know the romans?

LaurLaur: It's not my place to taco about this. I don't even know you that well...

LeStolls: We have to go be evil pranksters. Bye!

LaurLaur: My siblings and I should go now...

LaurLaur, LeStolls, Crazy_Cool, and E_is_Fun have left the chat

Harleyisbae: Ima go now too...

Harleyisbae has left the chat

Annabeth: How do you know the romans Lindsay? I new you were roman, but I thought you weren't in the legion or anything, you just lived at Camp Half-Blood every other summer.

LiLi: I um...I just...I'm not—

Frank: You need to tell them. You've been holding this back for three years.

LiLi: But—Okay.

Percy: Go on.

LiLi: *whispers* I have been in the twelfth legion for three years now. And I'm in the Fifth Cohort.

Leo: Omgs! She's like a mini Nico!

Nico: I don't take that offensive this time.

Reyna: How do you feel now?

LiLi: Idk

Annabeth: Why didn't you tell us?

Percy: Jason did you know about this?

Jason: Maybe...

Thalia: I totally did not tempt her to join the hunters as she was escaping from a Minotaur after trying to get to CHB.

LiLi: I didn't tell you guys cause I messed up. I didn't want anyone to know. I feel bad for it now, I don't know what to do.

Nico: I can relate... *continues to comfort Lindsay*

Leo: What's happening?

Piper: I've been watching this conversation for a bit. I just didn't want to say anything. All I know is that we should ship this.

Percy: The ship has sailed!

LiLi: Gah! I'm not in love with Nico di Angelo!!

HungryNinjaaa : Suuuuure 😏

LiLi: How the Hades did you get here?

HungryNinjaaa : Dunt use your demi-language on meh!

Annabeth: You made so many grammatical mistakes!

LiLi: Omgs A! Go away!

HungryNinjaaa has left the chat

LiLi: Guys I'm sorry. I should just go now.

LiLi has left the chat

Piper: That was awkward

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