LiLi's contact list

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LiLi: Hai you guys want to hear my contact list?

Will: Why would we want that?

LiLi: Cause I have y'all as funny names! Like you, I have you as Butter Boat🏹

Will: Why?

LiLi: Cause. You look like Garroth

Will: What?

LiLi: Never mind

Percy: I want to know what mine is!

LiLi: I'll just put them all then!

Nico is, Death Breath 💀
Percy is, Seaweed Chump😝
Frank is, Mr. Iguana Boi🦎
Reyna is, ReyRey👑
Annabeth is, Annie📚📒
Piper is, Pipes🎤💘
Jason is, Flying Boi✌🏽
Hazel is, Hazel Nut💜💜
Leo is, Fire Man🔥
Will is, Butter Boat🏹
Rachel is, Paint Splatters🎨
And lastly Dakota is, The Kool-Aid Man😆

Percy: I am not a chump!

LiLi: Yeah. You are.

Leo: I like mine!

Will: Butter Boat?!

Frank: I feel so special -_-

Nico: I don't actually mind mine

Jason: I'm going to ask the question we all have, Why do you have Dakota on your contact list?

LiLi: ...

Hazel: Hehe

LiLi: I only have him cause he's a fellow centurion

Leo: And when you text about how you're secretly dating!

Nico: Ew

Will: Why are you saying ew?!

LiLi: We're not secretly dating! I think Nico's closer to my age than Dakota is! He's too old for me!

Nico: She's right, you know

Leo: So you admit you'd still date him even if he was your age?

LiLi: Argh!!

Annabeth: How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Annie?

LiLi: Sorry. Not sorry

Annabeth: -_-

LiLi: I also forgot to say our group chat is called, The Demi-Don'ts

Will: Why?

LiLi: Idk. I just changed it now so...

Leo: Eh

Percy: I'm still not a chump!

Poor Percy. He's a Seaweed Chump. XD

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