More peeps

85 7 18

LiLi: I met new people!!

Eliza: That Karsten, Devan, and I already met

LiLi: Shhh! Dunt ruin it!

Liv: Well, who are they?

Jace: I'm not eager to know

LiLi: Shut up! Anyway this is Rama Carnett daughter of Athena

Rama: Hey guys!

Jace: Oh joy

Liv: Hai

Lindsay: Watz up?

Jonah: Hallo

LiLi: This is Treye Beckendorf daughter of Hephaestus

Treye: Hey!

Jonah: Hey

Liv: Hi

Lindsay: Hai

LiLi: And Skye Tallona daughter of Hecate!

Jace: Is that all?

LiLi: Yes...

Jace: Yay!

Skye: Hai!

Lindsay: What up?

Liv: Hey!

Jonah: Sup?

LiLi: These three are all GryffinGreek219 's OC's

Jace: Why do you need anymore friends? You have like fifty

LiLi: No I only have like fifteen!

Jace: Like that's any better!

LiLi: I have E, Lay, my PK's which there are five exactly, A, Escope, and Holly and Laurel, also Gryffin and Sammy

Jace: I bet there is a whole other list!

LiLi: *blushes* No there isn't 

Jace: Whatever

Rama: Who wants Pizza?!

Everyone but Jace: YEAH!!!!

Everyone has logged off to go eat Pizza

Sorry if that was short. I just wanted to introduce my new peeps. Byez!

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