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"Yes, I got it. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point. Make sure you're there on time."

A faint murmuring can be heard from the shinobi's earpiece. He glances around one last time before sprinting into the dark.

The warm breeze brushes against him as he jumps branch to branch quickly. He clutches onto the scroll in his hands like it is his life and it might be. If he lost it, it could cost him his life.

The shinobi could barely be seen in the dark night, especially not with the bushy leaves surrounding him. Every step is skillfully quiet and leaves no trace.

As he arrives to his destination, he slows to a stop and jumps down from the tree. He steps out warily into the moonlight, stripped of his invisibility in the darkness. The shinobi spots his ally in the shadows and nods in acknowledgement of his presence. He inspects the area for any misconduct before signalling the other to come out.

"You got it?" his ally whispers.

The shinobi nods.

"Good. I'll bring it to the leader", states the ally.

The shinobi loosens his grip on the scroll and motions it towards the other. His ally steps forward to take the scroll off of his hands. However, before he could grasp the scroll, his body tumbles to the ground. Two crystal senbons stick out of his neck. Strangled sounds escape his throat moments before his death. The other shinobi looks down at his friend mortified. He turns around scanning the area once more. He squints into the pitch back darkness only to see another pair of eyes staring back at him.

The haunting sapphire orbs glow brightly in the darkness, boring into his eyes.

"Come out and face me", the shinobi seethes, pulling a kunai out of his pouch.

A soft, melodic laugh erupts from the dark. The shinobi stiffens in his defensive stance.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

A strong gust of wind blows against him, pushing him a several steps back. He brings his arms up to shield his eyes from the flying leaves and branches. Through the little gap between his arms, he could see his kunai react strangely. Parts of the kunai begin turning a glimmering blue that started to spread. Before long, the entire kunai was blue and almost transparent, like glass, but strangely harder. The shinobi couldn't observe the substance long before it cracks and shatters into glittering particles. He could no longer keep his stance and flew into a tree.

Just then, the winds eerily stop and shinobi was left confused. The blue eyes remain staring intently at him.

"Come out", the shinobi demands.


A tall, feminine figure steps out of the shadows. She wore a large hood, patterned with blood red clouds— the symbol of the infamous Akatsuki. From what could be seen underneath, she was wearing a tight black shirt that revealed her flat, but scarred stomach and black shorts the showed off her long legs.

A strange power emitted from this girl. Chakra flowed strongly inside of her, surging through her veins like waves.

The shinobi was entranced by this and yearned to see her face.

"Take off that hood", the shinobi orders.

The girl chuckles, "And why should I?"

Her voice had a soft, velvety tone to it that could soothe any cold-hearted shinobi or tame dangerous creatures that lurked in the dark.

"I need that scroll", she states bluntly, "You can either hand it over or die trying to keep it. Your choice, darling."

"How about neither?" he spats.

"I'm afraid that's not an option", she sighs.

In a blink, she was gone. The shinobi turns around slowly in a circle, trying to spot the girl.

His eyes land on a gold light shining brightly in the dark. For some peculiar reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off of the light source. He squints, trying to see what it is, only to realize that it is heading towards him and it wasn't just a light, it was fire.

He takes off in the opposite direction, trying to escape the strange golden flames. Not before long, the fire engulfs him and tumbles to the ground, yelping in pain.

In a distance, you could see the girl watching as her victim burned slowly. She watches his silhouette descend to the ground before sucking the flames away with a single hand movement and stepping out into the moonlight.

The shinobi laid there, unmoving and covered in deep burns.

He was dead.

The girl bends down over the dead corpse. Her hood slips off, allowing her long, golden waves to tumble down. Her lips had a natural pout that attracted many. The defining cheekbones accentuated her features even further. She was striking and unlike any other.

She pulls the unscathed scroll out of his pouch and stands up triumphantly.

"I don't think you had to go that far", a deep voice mutters.

A boy with similar features jumps down a branch and joins, presumably, his sister. They had matching blonde hair and striking ocean blue eyes. They weren't far apart in age— twins, perhaps.

"Maybe not", she smirks, "But he was being a prick."

"Or maybe you need to learn patience", another voice states.

A dark-haired man stepped into the battleground, only to look at the aftermath of the fire jutsu. The man donned eyes that shone an abnormal color of blood red designed with complex patterns. Without needing someone to tell you, you would know that he is an Uchiha.

"I have a lot of patience, thank you very much", the girl pouts.

The man sighs, "Come on. Leader wants us back soon."

He slides his arm around the girl's waist, pulling her in for a soft kiss, and leads her out of the area.

"Rina, Kukai, let's go."


The Perfect Angel (Uchiha Love Story) (Sequel to The Fallen Angel)Where stories live. Discover now