Chapter six

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"Ohh Tyler breakfast smell great!" Ava cheered sitting at the table.

It was probably around 10:30 in the morning when both Ava and I woke up. Yeah smell of Cinnamon rolls and turkey bacon, helped shake the tiredness from our eyes.

"Thank you Ava. Did you guys have fun last night. I hope my son wasn't too much of a problem for you Veronica." He smiled placing the food on the table, in front of us.

"Don't worry, I've learned how to deal with him over the years." I replied looking up at him, returning a smile.

I took a bite of the freshly cooked pancakes and thought to myself, "holy shit these are flipping amazing!"

Quickly I finishing my plate, when Martha came into the dining room. She kisses her husband on the cheek, turning to us with a smile.

"So, Veronica, you've finally had some of Ty's famous cooking?" She winked at me.

I laughed a little and replied, "yeah, it's amazing, I see why you married him."

That cause everyone to laugh and continue to talk about other things.

Grayson came shuffling into the dining room and plopping down in the seat next to mine.

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty" I nudged him with a smirk.

He only grunted, snarfing food into his mouth.

Gross, I thought to myself, placing my dishes in the sink with everyone's.

"I'll do the dishes" I quickly said starting to clean one of plates.

I was about to start drying it off, when someone grabbed it out of my hands.

I turn to see a very tired looking Grayson with the dripping dish in one hand and a towel in the other.

"You wash, I dry" I mutter, while drying off the dish.

"Okay then, caveman much." I continued to do the dishes when I had the perfect idea.

Smirking to myself, I slowly raised the faucet head, aiming it at Grayson.

He jumped at the cold water, looking at me with a confused look in his eyes.

Trying to hold back my laughter as I see him slowly start to understand what happened.

The corner of his lips turn into a smirk. His eyes lock with mine, I could see his hand reach for the spray bottle that's used to water the plants that is behind me.

Readjusting the faucet head to where Grayson is now. Getting his shirt wet, I laugh at his expression.

I gasp at the cold, wet, feeling on my face and shirt. I look over at Grayson seeing him hunched over laughing.

"Two can play at this game 'Ronica" he smirked at me, spraying me again.

I grabbed the over spray bottle on that was on the counter, aiming it at my opponent.

I sprayed Grayson in the face cause him to laugh while spraying me.

We went on like this, till Grayson suddenly dropped his now empty bottle. He smirked at me, and trouble showed I'm his eyes.

I slowly backed myself up, till my back hit the counter. Grayson noticed this, his smirk growing more.

He slowly walked closer to me, his arms reaching for my sides. I looked up at him, with pleading eyes.

"I win, 'Ronica," he cockily said.

His hands attacking my sides, making me laugh and squirm around.

"Gray-son, st-op," I breathed out between my laughter. I suddenly became around of the water bottle that was still in my hand.

Raising it up and spraying Grayson in his face, taking this chance I wiggled my way out of his grasp.

He turned, lunging at me, but if corse missing.

We laughed as I sprayed his again and again.

Then suddenly, I was being lifted off the ground on to someone's shoulder.

In shock I let out a little yelp, but quickly recovered after realizing it's Grayson who has me.

"Let me go you dork," I squirmed in his grasp.

"And miss this view? No thank you," he replied patting my butt slightly.

"You perv," I shot back hitting him on his lower back.

"Don't act like you're not looking at my ass. Cause I know, honey, I have a great lookin' ass," he sassily said shaking his butt.

I laughed, to be honest I would be lying if I said Grayson wasn't attractive, cause he is. And I might have been looking, BUT only a little bit.

"Yeah whatever makes you sleep at night, but for real, can you put me down. I'm getting a head rush," I groaned.

"What's the magic word?" Grayson ask.

"Please and thank you" I answered back.

He placed me back on the ground.
I looked up at him giving him a small smile.

He returned the smile, when he saw a flash of light come from the hall. We both turned our head to see, Ava, Tyler, and Martha holding a camera.

They were all smiling big smiles. Grayson and I looked at each other busting out laughing.

God, you gotta love this family.

Another chapter yayyy!!

I actually like this one a lot too!!

Anyway hope you enjoyed!!

Thank you!

Loveless_Reader awayyyy

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