Chapter 18

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The stench of onions causes me to slowly open my eyes

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The stench of onions causes me to slowly open my eyes.

Am I in heaven?

Does heaven smell like onions?

"Oh, glad you're awake." A girl says, tossing an onion into a trash can in the corner of the room.


I blink a couple of times at the ceiling that most certainly isn't pink.

I'm not in my fake room. But I'm not in my real room either.

At least I'm alive.

I think.

A face appears above me. A woman with red hair, a pale face and huge green eyes.

I try to speak but nothing comes out so I just close my mouth.

"Who am I, you must be wondering. My name's Talia. Talia Harris. I basically saved your life." She shrugs her shoulders as if that was a perfectly normal thing to say.

I open my mouth to ask how but once again, nothing comes out.

"You're probably wondering how. Well, Hybrid 2's little presentation almost killed you but I, being the clever person I am, brought you here and nursed you back to health like a little bird." Talia says.

I open my mouth-

"What's Hybrid 2, you're probably wondering. Well, you all call her 'Rebecca' but she's just Hybrid 2 to me. Easier to keep track of because they change her name so much. You've already met Hybrid 3 or 'Parker' and you have yet to meet the worst of them all. Hybrid 3 AKA Sara." She doesn't breathe once as she rushes all of that out.

I point at my mouth and raise an eyebrow.

"You won't be able to talk for a bit. Just some symptons of surving Hybrid 2's simulation. Here. Use this." She hands me a pad of paper and a pen.

I slowly sit up and wince at the pain as I take the pen and paper.

Taking the pen cap off, I scribble down, "Who are you?"

"I already told you, I'm Talia-"

I underline the who in the sentence and she raises her eyebrows. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Who are you in the story?

Talia laughs. "Nobody."

Are you an author?

She stops laughing, her expression eerily serious. "God no."

Then who are you?

She chews on her lip and looks deep in thought as she taps her finger on her chin. "I'm like a spy in a way. Except I work for myself. I basically know everything. But not enough."

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