"Yeah, it does no good though. Phil still eats my frickin' cereal." he said and I laughed.

"Fight him. It's the only way." I said, taking a bite.

"Alright sensei, I will." he joked. I shoved him and he laughed.

"You suck." I said, pouting.

"Aw, you love me." He argued. I froze and he wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, whatever."

He has no idea.

We ate and chatted, or rather he chatted and I put all my effort into not imploding.

What the hell is wrong with me.

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair.

"Well, why did you do that? You messed up your hair." Dan said. His hand went up to my head, brushing my hair into a new place, his arm resting against the side of my face slightly. I watched his face. It was full of concentration as he fixed my hair; face scrunched, eyes focused, bottom lip pinched in between his teeth. His eyes shifted down to mine and he removed his hand from my hair.

"Sorry. Your hair is really soft." He sputtered. I looked at him for a second before letting out a small laugh. He started laughing and we both fell into fits of giggles. We calmed down after a few minutes and I caught my breath, leaning back in my chair. Dan pulled out his phone typing a few thing before putting it down in his lap. My phone let out a small notification signal. I looked at him strangely and opened it to see he had tweeted something at me.

@(twitterusername) Sorry I just pet you like a cat.

My lord he was such a child.

I snapped a ridiculous picture of him and tweeted it back at him.

@danielhowell I'm sitting right next to you! Why are you so extra? Sliding into my twitter like that. Shame.

I scrolled to already see a bunch of replies.

@(twitterusername) OMG! He pet you like a cat! (s/n)! OTP

@danielhowell Are you dating?

@danielhowell Are you in your clothes from yesterday? Did you sleep with (y/n)? OMG I'm dying!

"Look what you have started." I joked and he peered over my shoulders.

"Did you really have to tweet me that?"

"Of course, I knew it would bother you."

I rolled my eyes and replied to a few.

@randomkat Uh, no. We watched anime. What else would we do?

The person replied back.

@(twitterusername) Pretty sure you guys have an idea ^-^

Oh dear lord. I sighed and tweeted back.

@randomkat I wouldn't. What would phans say?

@(twitterusername) TRUE!

I followed her and she tweeted me a smiley face. I looked over at Dan to see him staring at me, smiling. I meowed at him and he pushed me.

"I said sorry!"

"Yes, but that wont stop me from making fun of you." I said. He sighed and rolled his eyes. I smiled back.

AAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY! I am so damn tired today! I get really loopy when I'm tired and I had a laugh attack at a horse standing still in a field. Now my bus driver probably thinks I'm crazy.

Not to mention I got yelled at for using a door yesterday. Yes. A door. The side doors to my cafeteria are locked from the inside so you can only exit, but from kids pulling on it the lock is broken. So someone exited and I caught the door as they left so I don't have to walk all the way around to the front door. Then, a lunch lady stops me and we have this conversation.

"You can't use that door. It's kids like YOU that keep breaking that door even more."

"um, I just caught it when someone left. I didn't force the door open."

"I SAW you yank it open. I'm not stupid!"

"Uh, no. Someone left. I didn't break the door."

"Yes you did! It's rude to lie."

"Yeah, but it's also rude to falsly accuse someone of lying."

"How DARE you speak to me that way."


"You should yell at your superiors."

"1. I'm not yelling and 2. You are not my superior. You literally pick up my trash."

"I am going to the principal about you. What is your name?"

So, then I gave her my name. I am expecting a call from my dean anyday now. There is no way in hell she will go to the principal. It's a fucking door. I actually hate her. She has this grudge against me. Even today she was leaning against the door and monitoring it until I came in the cafeteria and sat down. Is she insane?!

Anyway. That was my rant. Sorry.

Thanks for reading!


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