= Rage and Rebound (pt. 2) =

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Part two of the previous part and oh boy is this some heated shit... just as how we like it :)

Again, Cas (Casanova0345) co-wrote this, and again, check her out! AGAIN, she's awesome as fuck.


With a snap of his fingers Anti had teleported them into Nate's bedroom, the siren's back held firmly against Anti's chest as he panted and reeled from his last orgasm. Nate's chest and stomach were covered in thick globs of sticky cum, dripping down onto the floor as they stood by the bed.

"You're in for one hell of a night, love. Dark never let me do these types of things to him, and it's an itch I've been dying to scratch." The demon hissed, biting at the juncture between Nate's neck and shoulder. The siren whimpered, grinding his bare ass against Anti's erection.

"Mm..hurt me Daddy. Wanna be your whore s'bad," Nate pleaded. Anti grinned, shoving Nate onto the bed rather harshly and instructing him to get on all fours. The siren eagerly complied, scooting himself up towards the headboard as he positioned himself on his hands and knees.

One of the perks of being a demon was the ability to summon any object you desired, so essentially Anti had every erotic tool imaginable at his disposal.

The Irish demon snapped his fingers once more, producing a plethora of sex toys and tools of torture, all neatly laid out for him on the end of the bed. Anti scanned the items, grabbing a few he would use now and putting the rest on the dresser for later.

One that immediately caught his eye was a riding crop, the smooth black leather just dying to paint Nate's pale skin in shades of red.

Another one that intrigued him was a cock cage, a way of keeping Nate from getting too excited. The siren was still a bit flaccid, though the anticipation was quickly correcting the issue, sending torrents of blood to his half hard cock.

"Ah ah ah, this is a punishment. Can't have you enjoying this too much," Anti scolded, quickly fastening the cage around his semi erect cock to keep him soft. The siren whined in protest, already in mild discomfort from the pressure around his dick.

"Daddy," Nate whined. "Take it off."

"Why should I?" Anti asked, grinning as he grabbed the crop, flicking it against empty air once, twice.

"Please," Nate pleaded. "I- I'll be good..."

Anti chuckled, placing the tip of the crop against the back of Nate's neck, trailing it down to the siren's white back. "I'll be the judge of that, love."

The demon drew the crop back, mustering as much force as he could for the first strike- and being Anti, that was saying quite a lot. "Now count."

Crack. "Ah- one!" Nate yelped, the crop leaving a trail of bright red after its stinging kiss.

"Now beg for the second one," Anti murmured into Nate's ear, "with that beautiful voice of yours."

"Please hit me again, Daddy," Nate breathed, and didn't get any time to catch his breath before Anti's arm came down again, accompanied with a loud 'crack'. "Two- oh, fuck..."

"You like that, don't you, you little masochistic whore?" Anti growled, flicking his arm and the crop again.

"Three!" Nate moaned, the pain mixing with sparks of fiery pleasure.

"My whore," Anti snarled into Nate's ear, bringing the crop down one more time, relishing the small sound of pain and pleasure the siren made as the leather and skin connected. "and mine only."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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