Secrets (Cranksepticeye)

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JACK (jacksepticeye)
ETHAN (Crankgameplays)

Absolutely no offense intended in the following chapter. I'm sorry if you got offended. I put this warning here to avoid that.

Ethan Nestor was a nerd. Geek. Whatever you wanted to call a guy who never got a grade below an A+ and knew 101 digits of Pi.

He knew a computer inside out, knew how to do almost anything when he had a PC in hand. He was the ultimate nerd, the smart kid, the gamer who knew how to beat every single level of any video game, the bookworm with only a few friends...

Ethan was also absolutely, definitely single.

And Ethan would never have a girlfriend because he was gay, a fact that no one knew and hopefully no one would ever know.

Then there was Sean William McLoughlin, the drummer of the band in Kram University (the college both of them went to) and also the soccer team captain.

Sean, or Jack, as he preferred people to call him, was popular, handsome, and good with both boys and girls. Ethan had heard some rumors about him actually being bisexual, but that almost definitely wasn't true.

Why would Ethan think that?

Well, Jack was Ethan's roommate at the university.

And almost every single night, Ethan would fall asleep with earplugs and a blindfold, due to a whole lot of sound coming from the other bed. The sounds were always one male, and one female. One LOUD male, and one LOUD female.

But the blue haired boy couldn't deny the fact that he found Jack attractive.

Uh, extremely fucking attractive.

Even though Jack was a complete asshole to Ethan. Every single second they were together in their dorm room, Jack found some way to insult Ethan.

His grades? Hair? Looks? Computer skills? Anything that Ethan had, Jack found a way to make other people snicker about it.


Ethan didn't know.

And he would've never known...

But everyone has their breaking point.

If it wasn't for Ethan once seeing (or rather hearing) Jack cry...

The blue haired boy would've snapped much sooner.


"What are you doing now?" Jack, sitting on his bed, spat at Ethan, who was sitting at his desk, working with his laptop. "That fucking infernal typing noise bothers the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry about your sensitive ears. I'd explain what I'm doing... but you probably wouldn't understand," Ethan mumbled back.

"Of course I wouldn't," Jack retorted. "It's either going to be too fucking geeky, or too retarded for me to understand."

Ethan stayed silent, knowing that the best way not to aggravate his roomie was to shut up and not say anything.

Today, however, Jack seemed oddly pissed. "What, you can't even talk to me now? Makes sense, now that I think about it. Why would Ethan Nestor, first in the school, the ultimate nerd and teacher's pet, want to talk to me, hm?"

"Spare me your biting thoughts about my superiority," Ethan said back in a mocking tone. "Like you don't have everything you want- friends, popularity, a girlfriend-"

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