Chapter 7: Zeref

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Chapter 7- Zeref

Everyone took a break from that fight with Edolas's Oración Seis. And still Natsu and the others are not back yet. " Natsu", Lucy mumbles to herself but Happy hears her. " Lucy, you liiiiiiiiiiiiike him!", Happy teased. " Shut up cat!", Lucy says. " Why was YOUR Oración Seis aiming for you guys anyway?", asks Gajeel all of a sudden to Edo Lucy. " It's because we have something they need...", Edo Lucy says looking down and frowning. Everyone stops. " Is it something important scary Lucy-san?", asks Wendy. " I told you not to call me that. Anyway, yes it's very important. Zeref has more helpers than he needs. Spoiled brat. ", Edo Lucy explains. " And Cobra nearly killed me!", Edo Natsu cries. " Yeah until I saved you!", Edo Lucy yells, punching him in the face. " So is", asks Cana. There was a moment of silence. " Yes. He is. It's our fault we brought you here in the first place. ", Edo Lucy finally says, breaking the silence. " Doesn't matter who's fault it is, all that matters is that we help you.", says Mira. " Well what do they need from you guys?", asks Bisca. " Well it really belongs to us.... ", says Edo Lucy. Another moment of silence breaks in. Jellal, Ultear and Meredy were thinking of Zeref, and the magic power.... it's so close, yet they don't know where it's coming from. And suddenly Natsu and the others popped out out of a hole. " Me is alright!", Edo Natsu burst with tears of joy. Natsu's left leg was surrounded by bandages all over from the bite of the snake earlier. " Natsu. ", Lucy smiles greeting her best friend. " Moron, you made us worry to much!", Gray yells. " Shut up ice princess!", yells Natsu almost beginning to fight, but Lucy stops him. " Natsu now is not the time to fight.", she lectures him. And everyone notices Erza, Jellal, Ultear and Meredy disappears. "Where did Erza and the others go? If they're a man, then they must stay here!", says Elfman. " You have realized that there's only one man there.", says Alzack. " A love rival! Juvia and Gray-sama must hang out too!", says Juvia excitedly. " But we to go on a mission.
'But we have to go on a mission.'
'But we have to go on a date together'
" Ahh Juvia and Gray-sama will date!", says Juvia in her thoughts. " What the hell are you thinking?", asks Gray annoyed. " Oh Juvia is sorry . Gray-sama please punish me.", Juvia asks (and you know what she's doing) " No no I'm not going to punish you!", Gray says. " Ok let's go. We need to find them. They must of been looking for Zeref.", says Natsu. " If so, then why did Erza come?" , asks Lucy. " Because Erza looooooooooooves Jellaaaaaaaaal!", teased Happy. This time everyone laughs, well it is true.

On the other hand, Erza, Jellal, Ultear and Meredy were running towards Sycca. " Why are we running this way?", asks Erza to Jellal. " We somewhat sense the magic power here.", Jellal answers. " Be careful..." adds Ultear. Then Jellal stops. " Wait.", Jellal says raising his arm. " I feel it too, it's making me dizzy...", Meredy says unconsciously. " Hang in there Meredy.", says Ultear. " Visitors...", says a voice. They all gasps. " It's him!", Ultear whispers. A black shadow appears in a shape of a person. " Erza stand back.", says Jellal. Erza obeys quickly leading Ultear and Meredy in front. " Crime Socières... I see.", the voice says. " Why are you here?! Your threatening people in Edolas's lives!", says Jellal. " Stand back please! I don't know why I'm doing this!", the voice then says. Everyone looked so confused, thinking why the voice would say this. " Run before I kill you all. ", the voice says. No one moves. " You have been warned. I have no right to give you another chance. ", the voice says. " Death Wave", the voice says . " Jellal run!", Erza says quickly grabbing his hand. But Jellal refuses and fights. Ultear and Meredy get annoyed by Jellal's behaviour too. " Altairis! ", Jellal says. Both of them hit the magic together. " Erza! Let's go! Don't worry, Jellal will be fine.", Ultear says running the other way. " No! I'm staying here. I can't leave him.", Erza says tears falling out of her eyes. " I'm helping him!". Jellal hears her. " No Erza, it's too dangerous don't!", Jellal says and the black dust almost touches him but luckily Happy flew quickly and grabbed him. Fairy Tail is here. Zeref stops. " Erza Scarlet. I don't want to fight you, but gives me no choice. " , Zeref says (yes it was Zeref) " Happy fly to The Royal City with Jellal. I'll take him down.", Erza says. " Erza no he's too strong!", Jellal says but Erza ignores him. " We're here too! Erza!", says Natsu. Zeref stops. " Natsu Dragneel. ", says Zeref. " Zeref?! The cry baby! And the one who made my scarf black!", yells Natsu. Zeref cries with joy like before and quickly ends it. " Requip!", says Erza changing into Heaven's Wheel Armour. " I summon 200 swords.", Erza says and swords appear right beside her. " Go.", she says and all the swords go straight towards Zeref. Zeref blocks it with his magic. What? It doesn't work?!" , asks Erza to herself. " Let me handle this!", Natsu says. " I'm in too!", joins Lucy . " Fire Dragon's Roar!", says Natsu at the same time it's Lucy's turn. " Open Gate of The Twins! Gemini!", Lucy says waving her twin key. Suddenly Gemi and Mini came appearing. " Gemini! Try to look like him.", Lucy orders. Then both of them transform into Zeref. " How's is that going to work?" Gray yells in the back. " Just watch her. Lu-chan is just preparing.", replies Levy. " Lucy, he's weakness is Natsu. We don't know how but all we know is Natsu's his weakness.", says Gemini. " Arigatou at least, you can go back now.", Lucy says. " Natsu.... How is Zeref's weakness is Natsu?" , Lucy thinks and suddenly the black dust was about to touch her. " Lucy watch out! ", Natsu says pushing her . " Bastard. ", Natsu says to Zeref. Then Zeref stops . " Why did he stop?", Wendy asks. " Now is not a time to ask a question. ", says Carla. " His weakness. I understand now. ", Lucy says to herself. Everyone was confused except for Lucy. She was a bit smiling and tried to hid it. Then tears fell out of Zeref's eyes. Ultear and Meredy were just there wondering and suddenly Ultear understands. " Zeref's weakness is Natsu. Now we are able to defeat him. ", Ultear whispers to Meredy. " We can't. Jellal is not here yet.", Meredy says instead if saying 'jelly-kun. " Jackass what's wrong with you? You suddenly stopped. ", Natsu asks . Zeref then falls back slowly. Everyone wonders and suddenly Zeref stands up. " I will not let you defeat me, Natsu Dragneel, raised by a dragon named Igneel. ", Zeref says . " And we Fairy Tail in both worlds will not let you defeat us!", says Natsu. Everyone agrees. All their powers gather up. " Requip!, says Erza changing into her Armadura Fairy Armour, the strongest one she has. " Open Gate Of The Maiden! Virgo!", Lucy says, and suddenly Virgo appears. " Ice-Make.... Freeze!", Gray says. " Unlock Satan's Soul. Sitri. ", Mira says. " Beast Soul. Full Body Take Over!", says Elfman. " Iron Dragon's..." Gajeel says holding it and Natsu and Wendy did the same thing. " Fire Dragon's...", Natsu says and Wendy, " Sky Dragon's... .", "ROOOOOOOOOOAR!", the 3 of them all say. Everyone was hitting him, yet he didn't fall down. " Virgo, Diver!", Lucy says. " Right Princess. ", says Virgo. But when she tries to open a hole for Zeref to fall, he doesn't. " Princess, there's no use. Something's blocking me. Please punish me !", Virgo says but Lucy refuses. " I'm never going to punish you! Well thanks for your help anyways.", says Lucy. After a few minutes everyone was down except for the mighty Titania. " I can't let you win. Just stop hurting everyone's lives. What do you even want from Edolas?", asks Erza. " I need you for something. " , says Zeref. Erza breaths so fast. She was so tired she could barely fight. " Why do you want me? ", asks Erza. " Well it's a good thing to have extra Erzas' if we lose one of them. ", replies Zeref. Erza kept breathing until she was very tired. " I'm not giving up. Not at all. I'm fighting you because your fighting us and I'm fighting you for a person.", Erza says. " But your almost dead Erza Scarlet. I'll end your life so-", he cuts by the same voice as Erza's . " I don't know who your are, but I know your the reason why there's a creature in our city! Be gone!", the voice says. Erza looks up seeing her counterpart with the crew. " Sugarboy, Hughes, Coco, everyone!", Erza says. " Scarlet. Run with your friends. We will deal with this monster. " , says Knightwalker. Erza quickly stands up and tells her friends to stand up too. They quickly run the other direction towards the Royal city.

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