"Hey Christophe, can you help me with this worksheet?" I whisper, not wanting to get caught cheating.

He swaps our worksheets. His sheet is filled in with his wonderful spidery writing, barely readable, yet the answers are correct so that'll be good enough for the teacher, surely.


"No problem," he shrugs, "zere's no point wasting your time."

There's a knock at the classroom door.
Mr. Stkrdknmybalz opens it and three police officers walk into the classroom, one carrying a long roll of paper and an ink pad, one carrying a camera and tripod and the other carrying nothing.

"Good morning, sir," the shortest of them says, "we're here to take fingerprints of your students."

Kenny's head rises from the table. His face is pale and his eyes are red, as if he's been crying for a long time.
I try to catch his eye, but he just wipes his eyes and wanders to the front with everyone else, head down, parka hood pulled tight once again.

Sighing, I get up from my seat and go to the front.
The officers push a couple tables together and roll out the long roll of paper.

"Form a line, please." One of them orders, holding out the ink pad for the first student.

It takes a while for me to get to the front, but when I do I realise that the three police officers were at my house yesterday. They seem to recognise me to and give me a friendly smile.

"Did you find somewhere to stay?" One asks as I press my fingers into the ink pad.

"Yeah, I'm staying at Kyle's house," I reply, pressing my fingers onto a blank section of the paper. "Got any leads on the case?"

"Not yet," the tallest sighs, taking my photo, "although after these fingerprints are tested we might!"

"Fingers crossed." I smile, returning to my seat.

Once the officers have finished doing the fingerprints, the bell goes to signal the start of break.
Students quickly rush towards the door, one student forgetting his backpack. I hang back, wanting to talk to the police again.

"Not going to break?" The tallest asks, cutting the long paper into squares to make the fingerprints easier to analyse.

"I've heard more people have gone missing. Is there anything connecting the missing students?"

The women exchange glances.

"There is one thing, but we don't know if it connects all of them." One replies after a moment.

"Jap, are you sure it's okay to tell him? Don't you remember what the chief said?" The shortest frowns.

"Ri, it'll be fine. Won't it Andreea?"

Andreea, the tallest officer, shrugs.
Ri sighs, letting Jap continue.

"When the Broflovski kid went missing, we questioned all his teachers and his two closest friends. Apparently he was staying over at Kenneth McCormick's house on the night of his disappearance to work on a project, but never came home," Jap pauses for effect, "apparently, Kenneth has two siblings, a younger sister and older brother. Also, we know that his younger sister attends this school and is very close friends with Sally Turner, one of the missing children, and Kyle's younger brother."

"So you think Kenny had something to do with it?" I frown, unable to take in this information.

"Possibly, although it could be a coincidence." Jap shrugs, packing away the camera.

"What about the finger?" I ask.

"Currently being analysed. Hopefully we can find out who it belongs to." Andreea replies.

"You should probably go now," Ri says, pushing me towards the door, "don't tell anyone what we told you. Okay?"

I nod, then leave the classroom.
I head downstairs towards the upstairs canteen, where I sit with my friends at break and lunch, only to be interrupted by one of the girls who was crying earlier this morning.

Her long, curly, blonde hair is messy, her eyes red and watery.

"Butters, have you seen Wendy?" She asks, her voice wobbling as if she's about to burst into tears again. "We were on the phone last night because she was telling me about her new boyfriend, who's a few years older than us so she was bragging about it, but she suddenly screamed and she hung up."

"That's odd. I'm sorry, I haven't seen her."

"Well if you do, here's my number," she passes me a slip of paper, "call me straight away."

She walks away in the direction of the councillor's office.

{Complete} The Strange Boy Next Door ~ Bunny fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now